Placental presentation of placental lower uterine segment, a partial or complete enclosure of the internal cervical orifice. In the placenta deliveries can begin immediate dea and profuse bleeding, causing serious complications to the mother: hemorrhagic shock, hysterectomy, death of the fetus: prematurity, perinatal death, hemorrhage (in the case of cesarean section to the fetus through the placenta is pulled).
EPIDEMIOLOGY Placental presentation occurs in 0.26 to 0.7 percent. gimdančiųjų. Placental presentation three times more likely to occur again and again gimdančioms pregnant women. Risk factors: multiple births; Previous cesarean section; large placenta (eg, multiple pregnancy). Placenta dea previa species dea (depending on how much the placenta covers the internal dea cervical orifice) 1. Breech side of the placenta (placenta praevia marginalis) 2. Lateral dea (placenta praevia lateralis) 3. Central (placenta praevia centralis)
Etiology theory: - recycling and re-birth pregnancy - fertilized egg and the developing embryo abnormalities dea - placenta malformations Opening placenta previa during a period of heavy bleeding is observed.
Suddenly, for no reason started profuse bleeding from the genitals. Bleeding at the placenta deliveries dea begin on the mechanical side of the placenta from the uterine wall atsidalijimų, the uterus to contract and (or) the formation of the lower uterine segment, as well as direct intravagininių manipulācijas (sex, vaginal examination). Palpation of the uterus is soft and painless. No signs of fetal hypoxia. 50 percent. placenta previa cases were irregular fetal position. Longitudinal fetal position in the case presentation dea is part high above the inlet to the small bowl. The main symptom is bleeding. The woman may start to bleed at any time during pregnancy, but mostly in the second half of pregnancy and childbirth always. In exceptional cases, a woman does not bleed during pregnancy until the baby is due. Placenta previa is bleeding in the case only the mother, dea the fetus can bleed just the same breach of the placenta. Woman's condition for blood loss. Bleeding usually starts for no reason, suddenly, at night, when the woman is sleeping. It can be one-time or repetitive, without pain, bleeding out. Bleeding intensity varies greatly. Bleeding from the uterus caused by placenta wall Separated parts. Got there late pregnancy pains, and a woman feels. However, the contractions of the uterus dea during the lower part of the fascia and stretching the wall of the uterus, the placenta begins to slowly separate from it. From the opening of the former tarpgaurelinių cavities placental attachment spot begins to bleed. dea Contractions after, small blood clots in the blood vessels become blocked and can stop bleeding. Repeated such nesmarkiems bleeding, the woman develops anemia. If the placenta presentation is incomplete, dea partial, then ruptured amniotic dea bladder headdresses and leakage waters embryo, fetal head turns into a small bowl, placenta previa underneath the edge to the birth canal wall and the bleeding stops. However, due to insufficient or irregular birth in placing the fetal head into the pelvis, and Separated part neprispaudžiama placenta and may bleed heavily from the open uterine wall of blood vessels in the area where the placenta was detached already.
DIAGNOSIS External palpation by a physician determines the fetal position, fetal presentation of its relationship dea with the little bowl, hear the fetal heart tones (stethoscope, kardiotokografu) assess fetal status (done nestresinis test). A full blood count: often found in low hemoglobin and red blood cells (anemia symptoms). If a woman is prepared operation performed more laboratory and instrumental investigations (biochemical blood test, blood coagulation indicators, a woman's blood group and rhesus factor by the total urine test, vaginal smear and bakterioskopinis study recorded electrocardiogram, dea pregnant therapist inspect and optician) . First determined by external palpation of fetal position and presentation. Second stethoscope heard fetal heart tones. 3rd Nestresinis test (CTG).
NURSING ASPECTS OF EXISTENCE the placenta previa placental presentation can lead to life-threatening conditions, so a nurse (his) expertise to ensure prompt and quality emergency provision, as well as patient handling operation. Several of the major nursing problems in placental deliveries - acute bleeding and respiratory failure due to bleeding. We must stabilize the patient's clinical condition and prepare it for operation. Upon arrival to the patient dea acceptance of emergency department emergency room nurse (s) should assess the patient's basic vital signs: blood pressure; Pulse; breathing. dea
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