Cellulite is a manifestation of changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue, where there is a large rise in the fat cells that cause the skin surface looks like orange peel. In most cases, cellulite is reflected on the thighs, buttocks, hips and abdomen. Cellulite suffer most obese women, but does not avoid slim. Play a role and inheritance. What causes cellulite?
Very simply, her main causes can be defined like this - our sedentary way of life without regular exercise and the poor eating habits, inadequate fluid intake, hormonal imbalance, significantly slowing down the blood circulation, and thereby metabolism. Slow flow of nutrients and removal of toxins resulting in cellulite. How to remove cellulite?
To remove cellulite are all suitable procedures to encourage local blood circulation affected areas and enhancing blood circulation. The simplest and most proven methods include detoxification, massage, proper diet, hydrotherapy and movement. All of these methods is suitable to connect and find in them persevere ... Attention to diet!
Cellulite can affect primarily the menu for. The base should generate psoriasis raw vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread quality. psoriasis Furthermore, we should indulge psoriasis in high-quality vegetable oils, olive, almond, psoriasis sesame, linseed. A large part of our diet should form bean, buckwheat, brown rice, sprouts, psoriasis tofu. We should avoid meat, dairy products, refined white sugar and white flour. Maintain adequate fluid intake
Apples contain a lot of pectin and it has amazing cleaning power. During this procedure for 3 days eat only apples (you can eat them as you want) and they sip 2, 5 liters of lukewarm water, nothing more.
Rice diet lies in the fact that after 7 days eat only boiled rice natural, but we can eat "heart's content". To increase the cleaning effect psoriasis even 4 times a day swallow one tablespoon of flax seed and washed down with 0.5 liter of lukewarm water.
We can save the day in which we can indulge in idle mode when you do not go out or receive visitors. When we use this cleansing Hare bitter mineral water because it has a strong psoriasis laxative effect, but does not cause cramps in the intestines.
We need: 1 bottle of mineral water Hare bitter psoriasis (can be purchased at a pharmacy) Procedure: In the morning on an empty stomach 2 hours drink a whole bottle of mineral water Hare bitter and subsequently visiting the toilet until the bowel completely cleared. This rapid detoxification psoriasis takes no longer than 2.5 hours. In the afternoon we can eat rice, steamed vegetables or a light soup and we must not forget to drink 2.5 liters of pure still water. TIP: Cleansing treatments can also be combined. Aroma wrestles with cellulite!
Aromatic massage combines two methods - the massage and aromatic procedure. It is one of the most effective methods of aromatherapy, because it ensures direct penetration of aromatic substances in the blood and lymphatic systems. Massage olejíček
Procedure: Mix all the ingredients together. The mixture massage the strong circular movements into the skin, then're going to wrap food tightly with foil and set aside an hour to operate. At this time we can relax. The wrap is not recommended to apply for the night, because reaction time would be too long and the skin very quickly prokrvila and could attend persistent itching.
This massage will become even more effective when prior to application properly massage your affected parts lufou or very stiff natural bristle brush or glove of sisal. This will help smooth psoriasis the skin surface, and it becomes more permeable to the active substance against cellulite. Massage brushes and gloves are recommended to use the "wet" massage in small facets and not push too much, the skin should not be worn. Detoxification aromakoupele
Aromakoupele have healing, beautifying and relaxing effect .... On this procedure must not use pure undiluted essential oils because they do not dissolve in water, floats on the surface, they could not reach the eyes, mouth, psoriasis genitals and cause irritation. It is always necessary is mixed with the emulsifier, which is such as milk, cream, honey, sea salt or virgin vegetable oil.
When the bath is necessary to pay attention to the high temperature of the water in which there is a strong expansion of subcutaneous tissue, and it is not suitable for cellulite. The optimum temperature baths maintain continuous condoning psoriasis the hot water. The body is suitable for bathing massage or massage terry washcloth or koupelovým brush. We do not use any soaps or other bath additives, bath effect would reduce. The recommended bathing psoriasis time is about 20 minutes. After the bath, we should still apply showers alternating with rapid temperature change. Cold water vessels downloads and warm them again expanding. This is a great method to increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls. From the baths themselves can not expect miracles, psoriasis but in comprehensive care to their proper place.
We need: 2 dl cream, 4 drops of lemon essential psoriasis oil, 2 drops juniper, 2 drops of orange, 2 drops of cypress Procedure: All ingredients
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