Friday, February 28, 2014

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Því miður hef ég ekkert unnið í Ættarsögunni miklu undanfarið. Veldur því aðallega að ég hef þurft a

Blogg Hörpu Hreinsdóttur » Sarpur blue waffle » Tröppun, tónlist og sívaknandi ég
Maí 2009 Sun Mán Þri Mið Fim Fös Lau « Apríl   Júní »   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   Flokkar Ættin Óflokkað Bækur Bloggarar Daglegt líf Geðheilsa handavinna Saga prjóns Saga Sögu Akraness Siðblinda Skólamál Vantrú og siðanefnd HÍ Yfirlit Febrúar 2014 Janúar 2014 Desember 2013 Nóvember 2013 Október 2013 September blue waffle 2013 Ágúst 2013 Júní 2013 Maí 2013 Apríl 2013 Mars 2013 Febrúar 2013 Janúar 2013 Desember 2012 Nóvember 2012 Október 2012 September 2012 Ágúst 2012 Júní 2012 Maí 2012 Apríl 2012 Mars 2012 Febrúar 2012 Janúar 2012 Desember 2011 Nóvember 2011 Október blue waffle 2011 September 2011 Ágúst 2011 Júlí 2011 Júní 2011 Maí 2011 Apríl 2011 Mars 2011 Febrúar 2011 Janúar 2011 Desember 2010 Nóvember 2010 Október 2010 September 2010 Ágúst 2010 Júlí 2010 Júní 2010 Maí 2010 Apríl 2010 Mars 2010 Febrúar 2010 Janúar 2010 Desember 2009 Nóvember 2009 Október 2009 September 2009 Ágúst 2009 Júní 2009 Maí 2009 Apríl 2009 Mars 2009 Febrúar 2009 Janúar 2009 Desember 2008 Nóvember 2008 Október 2008 September 2008 Ágúst 2008 Maí 2008 Ættin Heimasíða Hörpu Myndasafn Þorsteins Ragnarssonar Myndasafn Odds hennar Gúu Blogg sem ég les Ærna mælir sá er æva þegir staðlausa stafi Blogg Helga Ingólfssonar Gurrí Harpa J Líf í árvekni Linda Rós 7.0 Sæmundur blue waffle Slauguspjall Bloggarar BloggGáttin Líf í árvekni Daglegt líf Atli á Flickr Heimasíða Hörpu Máni á Flickr Myndasöfn Atla Myndasöfn Hörpu Um Hörpu handavinna blue waffle Heimasíða Hörpu Hér bloggar Harpa
Lengra blue waffle milli færslna (er n?) er batamerki, a.m.k. stundum. Nú hef ég trappað niður helminginn af Litíum-inu. Fyrstu dagarnir voru slæmir, aðallega vegna þess að ég varð svo geðvond að mig langaði að kála hverjum blue waffle þeim sem varð á vegi mínum. Þetta var dulítið óþægilegt þegar ég var að hugga nemendur, stappa í þá stálinu, afhenda þeim annareinkunnir og svoleiðis sömu dagana og þurfti þá að líta út eins og múmínmamma, á meðan. (Ekki hefur komið fram að múmínmömmu langi til að kála nokkrum manni!) Svoleiðis að ég þurfti að dópa niður geðvonskuna og svo trappa niður dópið.
Hjú! Þessa meðalatröppun er bæði löng og leiðinleg. Hugsið blue waffle ykkur alka sem þyrfti fyrst að hætta að drekka koníak, svo viskí, svo vodka en mætti slá á verstu fráhvörfin með einum bjór á dag; Ekki gæfuleg meðferð það og óendanlega seinleg og kvalafull!
Næst er hin Litíum-taflan. Ég fæ smá frí á milli þar til ég vendi mér í hana um miðjan maí. Bæ ðe vei hef ég ekki farið í neina maníu (því miður, mér er sagt að sjúklingnum finnist það gaman), einna helst að ég sé örlítið ör á morgnana. (Sem mætti skýra með þessari þörf til mannvíga, sem gæti líka verið óþekkt Njálusyndróm sem herjar á kennara við tíundu kennslulotu sömu bókar?) blue waffle
Kostirnir eru þeir að ég skelf ekki, mér finnst margt fyndið; ég sef að vísu mikið og er löt en finnst miklu meira gaman í vökutímanum. Svo finnst mér líka sumt drepleiðinlegt, eins og að reikna út annareinkunnir. Þetta er eðlileg ég. Og eðlileg ég fer ekki að djöflast hér inni í mínu fína bónaða húsi með hefilbekk eða tálguhníf! Kannski blue waffle má skoða þessa iðju á pallinum í sumar?
Við maðurinn fórum á kaffihúsakvöld Kirkjukórsins á fimmtudaginn. Þar voru marengstertur í hrönnum! Kórinn söng vel (svona eftir því sem ég hef vit á), Gunnar Gunnarsson skálmaði á flygilinn og Tómas R. var með sinn bassa, í hléi og sem undirspil, og rúsínan í pylsuendanum var lag og ljóð eftir kollega minn og frænda hans. Það var gífurlega flott! Textinn vegur salt milli þess að vera óhugnalegur og um friðsælan dauða, með vísunum út og suður, sem koma flott út. Lagið er þannig að það má syngja af stórum kór eða trúbadúr með gítar; örugglega jafnflott í hvort sinn. Þetta lag var tvíflutt og ég hlakka til að komast yfir disk / almennilega upptöku.
Við sátum alveg fremst í salnum, við hringborð, og eiginlega uppi í píanói, bassa og sópran. Tvisvar blue waffle sinnum fann ég fyrir smá óþægindum (fannst að ekkert súrefni væri eftir í salnum, handa mér) en með skynsamlegum öndunaræfingum og tuldri við mig, inni í mér, komst ég út úr þessari aðkenningu að kvíðakasti í bæði skiptin. Miðað við þetta gæti ég setið á miðjum bekk í leikhúsi.
Næstu tónleikar mín og mannsins verður H-moll messan hans Bachs, um miðjan maí. Þar er ég svakalega veik fyrir Agnus Dei og finnst það Agnus Dei-a fegurst. Svoleiðis að ég sveiflast frá ABBA til Bachs á hálfum mánuði, með viðkomu í Kirkjukór Akraneskirkju.
Við maðurinn erum að hugsa um að ganga á Akrafjall (merkilegt nokk afþakkaði unglingurinn að koma með) svo ég geti dáðst að fagurri rótaríbrúnni yfir Berjadalsána. Ég veit nú ekki hversu úthaldsgóð (öllu heldur -lítil) ég er en ætti altént að hafa mig upp Selbrekkuna og svo má taka statusinn og ákveða framhaldið.
Því miður hef ég ekkert unnið í Ættarsögunni miklu undanfarið. Veldur því aðallega að ég hef þurft að lesa nýjustu bók Lizu Marklund og Rauðb

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Setjið 30 ml í ca. 4 lítra drykkjarvatns (7,5 ml í 1 líter). Þetta eru blöndunarhlutföllin, pregnanc

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Bird Builder er bætiefni sem inniheldur snefilefni og joð, en það er gott fyrir fugla sem éta fræ. Builder inniheldur 52 náttúruleg snefilefni, þar á meðal: kalsíum, kalíum, pregnancy test magnesíum, járn, fosfór, mangan, kopar, selen og sink. Í flestum fræblöndum er skortur af þessum snefilefnum, og er mælt með að gefa Bird Builder sem eina drykkjarvatn fugla sem eingöngu éta fræ. Þetta bætiefni má líka nota við fóðurbreytingar yfir í Harrison s fóður eða ef fuglinn er veikur. Þegar fuglinn er eingöngu á Harrison s fóðri skal notkun Bird Builder hætt.
Ávinningur: bætir snefilefna- og joðskort fræ/korn fóðurblandna eykur fjaðurstyrk og bætir útlit fjaðranna minnkar tíðni offitu og fitulifrar styður við virkni ensíma í líkamanum pregnancy test stuðlar að heilbrigðu ónæmiskerfi styður pregnancy test við fuglinn í fóðurbreytingum með áhrifum sínum á skjaldkirtilinn pregnancy test eykur og bætir lystina
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Setjið 30 ml í ca. 4 lítra drykkjarvatns (7,5 ml í 1 líter). Þetta eru blöndunarhlutföllin, pregnancy test magn sem lagað er í hvert skipti fer svo eftir stærð fuglsins. Geymið lausnina í ísskáp eða dimmum stað. Notið sem eina drykkjarvatn fuglsins. Ekki mælt með Bird Builder fyrir fugla sem innbyrða meira en 80% fæðunnar í formi heilfóðurs eins og t.d. Harrisons eða taka bætiefni sem innihalda joð nema samkvæmt pregnancy test ráði dýralæknis.
Animalia ehf. er stofnað af tveimur dýralæknum: Önnu Jóhannesdóttur og Dagmar Ýr Ólafsdóttur Við flytjum inn hágæða fuglafóður og gæludýravörur, höldum námskeið fyrir gæludýraeigendur og gefum út fræðsluefni. Hvar fæst Harrison s fuglafóður? pregnancy test
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Animalia ehf. © 2007 - 2014 Álfkonuhvarf 63, 203 Kópavogi | kt. 411106-1600 | Efni þessarar síðu má ekki afrita með neinum hætti að hluta eða í heild án skriflegs leyfis höfundar.

Stofna bloggsíðu Forsíða Kaupa auglýsingu

Frá nhs direct Afganistan. Reuters Bandarískir vísindamenn hafa leitt í ljós að verðmæti málma í jörðu í Afganistan nemur einum billjarði (milljón miljónum) Bandaríkjadala eða tæplega nhs direct 128 biljörðum íslenskra króna. Er þetta langtum meira en áður var talið.
Frá þessu sagði talsmaður varnarmálaráðuneytis Bandaríkjanna í dag og kvað að vísbendingar væru um að enn frekari jarðauðlindir væri að finna í Afganistan. Meðal þeirra málma sem finnast þar í jörð eru litíum, járn, gull, kvikasilfur og kóbalt.
Forseti Afganistan, Hamid Karzai, sagði í janúar að auðlindirnar gætu hjálpað landinu, sem er eitt það fátækasta í heimi, að verða eitt þeirra ríkustu. Þá voru aðeins fyrir hendi frumniðurstöður rannsóknanna.
Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar benda til að magn litíums í jörðu í Afganistan gæti verið jafnmikið og í Bólivíu en þar í jörð er að finna mesta litíumforða sem vitað er um í heiminum. Litíum er léttur málmur og meðal annars notaður í rafhlöður fyrir síma og tölvur.
Bloggað um fréttina Arnór Baldvinsson Billjón, ekki billjarður Helga R. Einarsdóttir Ekki var ég fyrr búin að átta mig á milljörðunum ... Torfi Kristján Stefánsson Þá veit maður af hverju Kaninn er þarna! Erlingur Alfreð Jónsson #24. Og hverjir nhs direct munu nýta verðmætin? Axel Jóhann Hallgrímsson Lán eða rán? Loka
Þvingaðar til kynmaka nhs direct innan múranna Sagði fyrir um byltingarnar Larsson rannsakaði nhs direct morðið nhs direct á Palme Þrír látnir úr heilahimnubólgu Harold Ramis látinn 69 ára að aldri Réttarhöldunum sjónvarpað að hluta Fékk yfir sig 1300 C málm
Stofna bloggsíðu Forsíða Kaupa auglýsingu
Fréttadeild nhs direct | Tæknideild

Monday, February 24, 2014

Metta reyndi að reka sitt mál úr fangelsinu en svo fór að hún var svipt pappír og skriffærum og höfð

Blogg Hörpu Hreinsdóttur » Sarpur vitiligo » Fock, litíum og fréttir dagsins
Nóvember 2012 Sun Mán Þri Mið Fim Fös Lau « Okt.   Des. »   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   Flokkar vitiligo Ættin Óflokkað Bækur Bloggarar Daglegt líf Geðheilsa vitiligo handavinna Saga prjóns Saga Sögu Akraness Siðblinda Skólamál Vantrú og siðanefnd HÍ Yfirlit Febrúar 2014 Janúar 2014 Desember 2013 Nóvember 2013 Október 2013 September 2013 Ágúst 2013 Júní 2013 Maí 2013 Apríl 2013 Mars 2013 Febrúar 2013 Janúar 2013 Desember 2012 Nóvember 2012 Október 2012 September 2012 Ágúst 2012 Júní 2012 Maí 2012 Apríl 2012 Mars 2012 Febrúar 2012 Janúar 2012 Desember 2011 Nóvember 2011 Október 2011 September 2011 Ágúst 2011 Júlí 2011 Júní 2011 Maí 2011 Apríl 2011 Mars 2011 Febrúar 2011 Janúar 2011 Desember 2010 Nóvember vitiligo 2010 Október 2010 September 2010 Ágúst 2010 Júlí 2010 Júní 2010 Maí 2010 Apríl 2010 Mars 2010 Febrúar 2010 Janúar 2010 Desember 2009 Nóvember 2009 Október 2009 September 2009 Ágúst 2009 Júní 2009 Maí 2009 Apríl 2009 Mars 2009 Febrúar 2009 Janúar 2009 Desember 2008 Nóvember 2008 Október 2008 September 2008 Ágúst 2008 Maí 2008 Ættin Heimasíða Hörpu Myndasafn Þorsteins Ragnarssonar Myndasafn Odds hennar Gúu Blogg sem ég les Ærna mælir sá er æva þegir staðlausa stafi Blogg Helga Ingólfssonar Gurrí Harpa J Líf í árvekni Linda Rós 7.0 Sæmundur Slauguspjall Bloggarar BloggGáttin Líf í árvekni Daglegt líf Atli á Flickr Heimasíða Hörpu Máni á Flickr Myndasöfn Atla Myndasöfn Hörpu Um Hörpu handavinna Heimasíða Hörpu Hér bloggar Harpa
Ég var að klára bókina Mercurium eftir Anne Rosman. vitiligo Einhverra hluta vegna hélt ég lengi vel að mercurium vitiligo væri kvikasilfur en í eftirmála kom fram að það hefði verið notað um arsenik (sem gerði söguþráðinn auðvitað mun skiljanlegri). Ein bók Rosman hefur verið þýdd á íslensku, þ.e. Dóttir vitavarðarins . Ég fékk rafbókina Mercurium lánaða í sænsku rafbóksafni en ætla mér að kaupa fleiri rafbækur eftir Anne Rosman, á dönsku (sem mér finnst þægilegra að lesa en sænsku).
Mercurium er að hluta morðsaga en sú saga er ekki sérlega áhugaverð og raunar var mér slétt sama um hver var morðinginn … kom þó gleðilega á óvart að það var sá sem lesandi grunaði síst. Aðalsagan er saga Mettu Fock og gerist í byrjun 19. aldar. Metta þessi var aðalborin en giftist einfeldingi og þurfti að vinna hörðum höndum að kotbúskap því karlinn var gagnslaus. Hún missti tvö börn og síðan eiginmanninn. Sögur komust á kreik um að Metta hefði eitrað fyrir þeim með arseniki, magnaðist söguburðurinn æ meir og loks var hún hneppt í fangelsi. Í fangelsinu átti Metta illa ævi og á endanum játaði hún á sig morðin og var líflátin þótt í Mercurium sé tekin eindregin afstaða með því að hún hafi verið saklaus.
Metta reyndi að reka sitt mál úr fangelsinu en svo fór að hún var svipt pappír og skriffærum og höfð í algerri vitiligo einangrun. Þá greip hún til þess ráðs að sauma saman pjötlur úr eigin klæðum og bróderaði langt bænarbréf til yfirvalda og bað um endurupptöku málsins. Bútur úr þessu bréf sést í upphafi færslunnar, sé smellt á litlu myndina opnast síða Norræna safnsins í Svíþjóð með mynd af bréfinu bróderaða og má stækka einstaka hluta hennar. Mér finnst hugmyndaauðgi Mettu aðdáunarverð og hannyrðahæfileikar hennar líka! Því miður kom þetta að litlu haldi.
Sænskur trúbadúr, Stefan Andersson, hefur samið ballöðu um Mettu Fock. Hér er Youtube myndband af flutningi hans og hér er textinn . Ég er náttúrlega hugfangin af þessari ballöðu í svipinn, nýbúin að lesa þessa ágætu bók.
Sem stendur er ég að lesa gegnum eigið blogg, er stödd síðsumars 2006. Sumt er ótrúlega fyndið en á heildina er þetta átakanlegur lestur. Þegar ég ber saman blogg og sjúkraskýrslur verður mér æ ljósara vitiligo að þetta er saga um trúgirni og afneitun, sem sagt ekki skemmtileg saga. Á hinn bóginn mun ég aldrei verða frísk nema ég kanni þessa sögu ofan í kjölinn og nái fjarlægð frá henni: Þetta er fyrstasporsvinna þunglyndissjúklings. Líklega er skynsamlegt að vinna hana hægt … en bítandi.
Ég rakst á ýmis gullkorn um lítíum í dag. Litarexi var haldið stíft að mér árum saman, rökin voru fyrst þau að lítíum vitiligo stillti sveiflur og mundi þ.a.l. koma í veg fyrir djúpar þunglyndisdýfur, a.m.k. grynnka þær, seinna urðu rökin þau að ég gæti verið með geðhvarfasýki II … fyrir þeirri sjúkdómsgreiningu voru engin haldbær rök og svo var bakkað með hana enda grunar mig að geðhvarfasýki II greining hafi bara verið almennt tískufyrirbrigði vitiligo á tímabili. Litarex hafði aldrei nein áhrif til bóta og miðað við fræði Joanna Montcrieff sé ég ekki betur en ég hafi verið með snert af lítíum-eitun árum saman. Má nefna þetta:
Það rifjaðist upp fyrir mér að fyrir nokkrum árum, þá ég át Litíum, kvartaði ég yfir skjálftanum við minn góða lækni. Honum þótti þetta nú heldur léttvægur skjálfti þegar ég teygði út hendurnar fyrir hann. Fólk hefur sjálfsagt mismunandi skoðanir á skjálfta en sjálfr

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lungomaren contest, Rama: Vlora port on the beautiful Mediterranean (Source: Century, www.shekulli.

<! -: SQ -> Albpetrol increased production and liquidate obligations (Source: Century, <! -: -> <! -: En -> Increased Production and liquidate Albpetrol Obligations (Source: Century,<!--:--><!--:zh-->Albpetrol增加產量和清算義務 來源 世紀 alf <!--:--> <! -: SQ -> Parliament Sacks Yanukovych (Source: Top Channel, alf <! -: -> <! -: En -> Yanukovych dismisses Parliament (Source: Top Channel<!--:--><!--:zh-->亞努科維奇駁回議會 圖片來源 頂通道 <!--:--> <! -: SQ -> Petra Basil: fasson business protection guarantees 100 thousand jobs (Source: SMI, <! -: -> <! -: En -> Petra Basil: Business FASSON protection guarantees 100 thousand jobs (Source: SMI,<!--:--><!--:zh-->佩特拉羅勒 法森的業務保護保證100萬個工作崗位 來源 SMI <!--:--> <! -: SQ -> black bread helps against high voltage (Source: Living, <! -: -> <! -: En -> Black bread helps against High Voltage alf (Source: Living,<!--:--><!--:zh-->黑麵包有助於防止高電壓 來源 生活 alf <!--:--> <! -: SQ -> Christina Aguilera expecting her second (Source: Top Channel, <! -: -> <! -: En -> Christina Aguilera Expecting her second (Source: Top Channel<!--:--><!--:zh-->克里斯蒂娜 阿奎萊拉期待她的第二個 數據來源 頂通道 alf <!--:-->
Sights Weekly Horoscope Horoscope Daily Horoscope Monthly Horoscope Chinese Horoscope alf Annual Horoscope HEALTH BEAUTY SECRET recipes Balkanweb alf GAZETTE SPORTS World Showbiz Today newspaper Abc 55 Journal Gazette newspaper Balkans Integration Key The Express newspaper Koha Jone newspaper Gazeta Metropol KosovaPress RD Gazette newspaper Panorama Century English Newspaper Albanian newspaper Gazeta newspaper Sport Express newspaper Today Albanian newspaper Standart Newspaper Guild Start onilne TV A1 TV News 24 Hour News Abc News Report Albania Screen alf Vision Plus VAT KTV Channel One TV Scan Super Sonic TV Club TV payments from Treasury YESTERDAY TODAY THIS WEEK THIS MONTH
indian news web Balkan Balkan Web Balkanweb Balkanweb Genc family and Natasha Gadfly Gadfly Tirane English news-news-news alf Newest Members Classifieds latest news latest news news today Lajmifundit residing in Kamëz could not pay the rent extracted midway SSS family www web Balkans
TIRANA-Family Gadfly, residing alf in Kamëz, was left out because the owner of the house where they lived for years has rented out for non-payment of arrears of rent. Along with two parents who have named Genc and Natasha Gadfly, are two minor children, a 2-year old toddler and a 7 year old.
Parents found between the four streets, unemployed, without any revenues from the state are run today with an appeal to help Neës24. According to the mother, Natasha, children are without food and have no household furniture, alf after all they lost during the migration in Greece. Natasha says that unless it receives state aid will vetësakrifikohet. "I can not bear my children to suffer," alf she says in psychological shock.
Gadfly parents say they are unable to work and treated with medication. In addition, they say it does not receive economic aid because Kamëz listed as owners on properties that never rejoiced, because they are occupied by families Gadfly family, with whom were in court for years. For this reason, the Municipality of Kamze not treat economic assistance. Currently alf they say they will spend the night outside, waiting alf for a solution from the Municipality.
Meanwhile, on appeal in the News 24, reacted SSS. The head of the institution said that "has alf raised the urgency of a working group with representatives of the department, to consider the issue of Gadfly family. "Our opportunities to treat children in state residential care for children, so being negotiated alf with non-governmental organizations to enable alf a street family rental housing."
Reacts SSS: housing opportunities for children in centers for children casual Following Gadfly family reacted SSS. SSS suggests that a working group has been set up for the family when she was taken in the middle of the road. Social Service states that housing two minor children will consider the possibility to regulate children's centers.
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Lungomaren contest, Rama: Vlora port on the beautiful Mediterranean (Source: Century, Dec 23rd, 2013 1 comments Durres, killed and then burned alf two victims (Source: Top Channel, www. Dec 23rd, 2013 1 comments meets for the first time the Commission alf of Inquiry into the State Police alf (Source:,

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A motorbike ride attracted the attention of all drivers on the road and the police, on the other hand, did not prevent such a thing. Once stopped the motorcycle, police left Romania which is vozitej girl naked, condemning him just because he does not hold a helmet. She received the fine after by the police, he got back on the bike, thus giving drivers plenty of opportunities to photograph.
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

He sought the support of the countries participating in this table, to establish a special commissi

Haxhinasto: Put airline with all countries of the Region | Lajme.Org
Transport ministers of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia on Monday pledged on Tuesday to boost cooperation between their integration infrastructure, as the best way for the European integration of the countries.
Albanian Minister of Transport, Edmond Haxhinasto stressed migraine in his speech that the exchange of ideas and identify migraine areas of cooperation and finding solutions migraine to some issues related to transport and infrastructure development migraine in the region serves countries.
Cooperation with the European Union, he said, serves better coordination of strategic projects conception, migraine which have an impact beyond national borders, migraine as in the standardization of infrastructure, particularly when it passes infrastrutkurë migraine national borders.
Minister Haxhinasto stopped at several strategic projects that Albania is developing the infrastructure sector. He informed that priority is given to investments in two main corridors, corridor 8 and 10. 8 corridor, migraine he informed, being invested in its two main parts, the Tirana-Elbasan segment, which is expected to be completed within this year and Neck Qukës Flagstone, which starts in mid application.
As artiere main regional integration, Minister Haxhinasto mentioned Arbri linking Tirana to Skopje. He proposed that this road becomes part of a regional network, through cooperation in the next project of the EU, which starts this year.
He sought the support of the countries participating in this table, to establish a special commissioner at the European Union, which help to achieve the necessary support for increased attention to a rail corridor. Montenegro said Haxhinasto, migraine are working to establish a water connection.
Also, he stressed being invested migraine in the country's main ports to increase their capacity as well as improving the quality of services provided. The government said Haxhinasto, envisages the construction of a new port Shngjin, which will serve not only Albania, but also Kosovo and beyond.
In the field of civil aviation, stressed Haxhinasto are working in job placement Kukes Airport, as well as for the construction of a port near Saranda turisitik. He highlighted how deficiencies, lack of air connectivity between the capitals migraine of the countries of the region.
Head of Transportation, Haxhinasto migraine focused on cooperation for the removal of non-physical barriers, which are numerous border points, extended controls, inadequate training of personnel, unnecessary procedures, corrupt practices and unnecessary presence of customs agencies. "All these are the subject of what should ndyshojmë together and reducing their political will.
What remains is the concrete implementation of this political will, "said Haxhinasto. According to the minister, Haxhinasto adoption of Community legislation and interventions in infrastructure, remain a challenge.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

Golden Dawn primer road accidents European Union Ambassador Athens Bushati Claydee World Lupa Docum

"It started in a positive climate in the Greek parliament discussion of the Code of Immigration Venizelos today in Tirana Horoscope today 20 February 2014 New Carnival Party on March 2 Oneirion 23.00 Peristeri Hall Straight code Immigration approval in the Greek Parliament Troika again in Athens Prostitution Britain with the children, many originating from Albania Horoscope today 18 February 2014
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A garden with fruit trees and vegetables planted in mid season trafikndarëses road near highway Shkozet with Plepa. Fuat idea is Veizi, resident who Durres on a parcel with a length of 40 meters and 1 meter wide planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, leeks and onions, watermelons, and various novartis trees.
"I was a day to clean some things trafikndarëse and I noticed that there was enough room to plant vegetables that do not have deep roots. Once finished portion of the highway in the area, road workers and the middle filled with trafikndarëses and was ready. I went and bought novartis seedlings planted. Are now grown and are doing so as you look. I have about four months, ie. since April that I've planted, and cater to my garden every day. I irrigate almost two times a day. Since I home front and work here. I thought I could deal with several novartis jobs simultaneously, the housework, the other as llamarinist work, but at the same time with garden located just a few meters away. I do not have to use my land to plant fruits and vegetables, so I thought it was an ideal place trafikndarësja, which can seize, "he says.
In this garden you will find fruits and vegetables of all kinds, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, leeks and onions, watermelons, novartis pumpkins, etc.. But there can also find trees like apples, oranges, lemons and olives. More seasonal vegetables and fruit trees, which do not want large spaces of land.
Albanian wonders, vegetable planter midway Beido Reviewed by Nick B. on January 21. A garden with fruit trees and vegetables planted in mid season trafikndarëses road near highway Shkozet with Plepa. Fuat idea is Veizi A garden with fruit trees and vegetables planted season trafikndarëses road between the highway connecting novartis Shkozet with Plepa. Fuat idea is Veizi Rating: 0
February 14 St. Valentine's Day lovers
Golden Dawn primer road accidents European Union Ambassador Athens Bushati Claydee World Lupa Documents domestic violence economy Rama Migrant Children of immigrant language Albanian Greeks Greece Horoscope Kace Kakavi code Immigration Kosovo Albanian border Greek night stay youthful evening License Albanian police Obama One Stop Shop Greece postage stamps rracismi Albania into Greece novartis and Albania Status racist attacks athine bus attack tirane tap toponyms troika Vaçe Zela Venizelos novartis volcano novartis tourism
Items m

Meanwhile District Police Directorate of Tirana informs the citizens that due to the explosive food

7-storey building collapses in "Manchester Street" after four attempts (VIDEO) | DAILY GAZETTE
After three failed tetativave since 15:00 noon and engineering forces INUK they could only realize explosion at 15:39 command, throwing in 7-storey facility ground at the entrance of Elbasan Road in Tirana.
The blast was successful food pyramid and thankfully without damage to surrounding objects. Immediately arrived at the scene extinguishing forces, who are doing and fire extinguishing and reducing dust explosion food pyramid facility.
Since yesterday began opening holes in all columns holder of the building, where a certain amount of explosive, so long columns food pyramid faint explosion and building collapse holder inside her without damaging surrounding buildings.
Meanwhile District Police Directorate of Tirana informs the citizens that due to the explosive food pyramid demolition of the building by National Urban Construction Inspectorate (INUK), and from 14:00 until 17:00 the day of today, there will be jam-axes Road: Road Manchester, Faculty of Philology up to about Sauk rotation. Street "3 Brothers Condi" All the paths of the hills artificial food pyramid lake that lead to the aforementioned Elbasan Road.
There is plenty to be demolished in tr. You got such a road tr Adem Jashari in New high school on Petro Nini, the way that issue turns left and vaso Pasha Street. At the end of this road has become a three-storey villa in the middle of the road with no place either for trutuar and barely food pyramid passes a car because the kiosk with tin to make a living of zaproj this space to do so contrary to building plan Urban Tirana. Here supervise them once this cluster that will surprised ....
Most clicked Dad, protest "poverty", Xeni in ... Footage Maldives, slaps and insults protester Police food pyramid (VIDEO) February 21, 2014 February 20 and Enver, mot in Parliament between Rama and Berisha Bodes Topalli: You have not seen anything yet ! This is just the beginning! DID YOU KNOW THIS RECENT Sallaku? Balla asks Berisha: A lawmaker proposed for the PLA in Tropojë in 1990? IMAGES: Images from former villa in block of Mehmet Shehu, lifting the siege today after Berisha disappointment from a "normal protest" Horoscope, February 21, 2014 after posting for Lubonja Aurela: I do not want gam-gam The Economist: Rama , unlike Berisha. Basha, difficulties in PD. Status in June "bloodbath" in Kiev, before the EU sanctions: The principal, director Yanukovich A letter ALUIZNI, with the hope that it will find time for a response Ends protest pm, Basha: I will be followed by the Other government react before it is too late
Recent Comments sali Footage Serbia, shoots and insults protester Police (VIDEO) POLUKSI the Associated Press: 5 thousand opposition supporters emerged Tomorri Topor let us abandon our past! Dad tourist operator, to protest "poverty", Xeni in the Assembly ... CAIN Maldives Xhukën dismisses Zana, choose Brightness Ganaj on top of HIDA
Jim A good day, all in contrast with Aferdita sign of Mercury and the moon shall not compromised by actions drawbacks. May have a nice surprise. Thanks to a Taurus moon in an orbit very favorable today is expected to be generally positive in the activity [...]

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

These are questions that will tell if you treat that really accomplish your mission as a journalist

Home Opinion Editorial Social timex Political Economy Chronicle interview Dosier Entertainment Humor and Satire timex Sports Supplement Justice window timex Albanian Albanian Albanian woman intellectual timex Immigration Medical Social Sciences Trends Pens Albanian Albanian Regions
He also wrote "The strike has also prosecuted former should not take part, has reasons" CEZ employees put out of function energy meters Scandal in Elbasan, CEZ faturistët meet local bills through Shared "cakes" of power in Ilir shines Bejtja: "Development of rural areas will be the focus of our attention"
He is only 21 years and is one of many orphans, who for years has not supported and do not support anyone. Tomor it comes to soles, which is 6 years away from the orphanage, which cares for them until age 15 and then wander around the streets of Manchester without the possibility of employment or a place somehow fitting, where to live and keep the bread himself. He lives in a ruin, where dawn and darken his days, which most of the time goes begging in Manchester sidewalks. Tomori is one of 40 orphans of the town, who do not enjoy nor orphan status, which provides social support to 2,800 leks per month, but unfortunately these do not Tomorri nor takes. He says, "The only thing I ask from the state is to give me little timex orphan status and gain social support, as it belongs to me, not only me, but every orphan abandoned by the family since childhood.
Wander the streets all day, but never finds a warm words, a refuge or a hope for the job ... "I call on the state to set upon us, enjoy the right to live like everyone else, at least with conditions living minimum, to fill his belly with bread and health care. We know that the state does not turn us parents, the warmth of their relatives, but at least the possibility of us gearing up to be "- claims Tomorri. For this category, following abandonment by parents, this is the second drop for these people, but this time comes from the state and social timex structures, that he has dependents.
Orphans Association in Elbasan of 3 years does not work, a lack, which inevitably will affect the trends of these orphans to be more sociable in committing offenses, as the only chance to survive. At one time in Albania are talking about social policy, the facts clearly show that social support is lacking and starts precisely from this category timex of people who need more support timex than anyone, because as said 21-year-old sole, discrimination, rape , contempt or abuse versatile from the rest of society is the companion in every day life with them.
What are the institutions that can help? Unfortunately, the administration has the mission timex just filled his pockets. However there are dozens of organizations funded by foreign donors in assisting such cases, where human dignity is denied. Be informed of these organizations and they should be pressured (reporter) until the problem of orphans over 15 years, especially this / these cases treated in Elbasan.
If the public? timex Should sensitize more until they find an employer in Elbasan to provide this guy a chance. Also around the Albanian public and, in Albania and more so abroad timex - those who want to help - how can we help?
These are questions that will tell if you treat that really accomplish your mission as a journalist. More so in a country like Albania, where unfortunately the state, the administration will have no regret to solve such problems. A regular reporting on your part on a social issue is very good is not enough. timex Be followed until the situation change so painful! I believe and hope that your paper will be nobility and courage to do so. The public will be very grateful and perhaps Tomorri, for the first time in his life, will see a sunbeam of hope.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 5, 2014 - 16:36

After three attempts, 5-storey buildings collapse | ONLINE Panorama
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UPDATE-After three failures for the controlled detonation of TNT 5 storey building with the entrance road to the villas in the German capital, it is flattened hrs 15:40 minutes. Instead forces intervened firefighters, while smoke after the explosion "occupied" the entire area. After urdhit to view information about the fire, no explosion was heard, and so did the other two times. Technical suspected that something went wrong with expanded cable and the burner, and therefore became once again resetting paleo diet the cable. paleo diet The quantity of explosives is now located, while the police have done to divert traffic time and has publicly announced that blocked the road axes. District Police Directorate of Tirana informs citizens that due to the activity of the national Urban Construction Inspectorate (INUK), and from 14:00 until 17:00 the day of today, paleo diet there will be jam axes. According to police, the Manchester Street will be blocked from the Faculty of Philology of the ring to the Sauk; Street "3 Brothers Condi" All the paths of the hills artificial lake that lead to the aforementioned Elbasan Road. Yesterday INUK forces have made siege of the facility. Specialists of the National Urban Construction Inspectorate, accompanied by Police Commissioner forces Nr. 1 have decided straps and are put in storage facility. The action taken has been opposed by the owners of the building. During the time when they are developing measurements are physically confronted by construction workers. It took the intervention of police forces that created the tense situation between the parties to return to normal. OWNERS Destruction of 5-storey facility, found at the Manchester Street in Tirana, was opposed by his owners. According to them, the decision of the National Urban Construction Inspectorate for demolition of the building is contrary to the documentation that they own. They claim they have not committed any illegal act and that the building of several months is the legalization process. The situation is tense during the midday hours, when owners clashed with officers physically National Urban Construction Inspectorate. To normalize the situation had intervention Police forces Station no. 1. Learned that until late in the evening, the owners of five-storey facility were staying paleo diet on the premises. Specialists from the fencing is done by construction of the building, while the placement of explosive material and demolition is expected to be today. ACTION OF INUK According to the National Urban Inspectorate, building 5 - storey building is illegal. Facing paleo diet the exit of the underpass, at the intersection of Manchester Road with "Brothers Condi", referring INUK, the object becomes a barrier to the movement of vehicles, putting at risk the lives of citizens consequence. Construction specialists have rejected claims that the building owner is in the process of legalization. According to them, they have made requests for equipment ownership certificate is not accepted, because the land on which it is built is occupied in 1996. Yesterday INUK specialists have made siege of the building, while in action for its collapse would bring together Army Engineer. The demolition of this building with TNT is the second paleo diet in the capital, after the outbreak of the building near Economics, conducted a few months ago.
Respected commentators! Not wanting to cenojme your opinions, pray that they do not contain personal insults and insulting and have about writing, or topic you commented. Otherwise, it will not be published. Thank you for following us and invite you to continue to be a part of Panorama Online. Moderator 42 Comments for "After three attempts, 5 storey building collapses"
February 5, 2014 - 16:36
o Mr. Danny, but you do know that over 80% of those palaces that has granted permission Rama were made in the period 2001-2005, when the NCRT government led by the left? Or you socialist forget those you want.
Well now the black point, you have more appeal for Lanen you sir? If not then trust me that the entire south, and Shengin durresi The town of Avatar with them a part of Tirana on top of 8 years will be rehabilitated!
What kind of strikes me is the pleasure of men is blown when a NDE

Monday, February 17, 2014

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23:32 - Fight DP and SP fictitious memberships 22:52 - Again TNT, detonating a car near an artificial lake in Tirana 18:35 - launched oxyelite pro an investigation after two deaths in hospital within 72 hours "Hygeia" 18:16 - When stars football do "selfie" (PHOTO NEWS) 18:05 - the most beautiful subway in Europe (PHOTO-NEWS) 18:00 - Grandmother accuses Suarez: Your mother brought me to the asylum 17:47 - EU gives 12 million euros to dispose of 17:46 chemical weapons - Competition for the seaside, Rama: Here's proposals selected 5 17:45 - City-Barca, Messi special shoes (PHOTO NEWS) 17:43 - filled legislation in Afghanistan for women's oxyelite pro rights 17: 35 - Men of Gjirokastra protest antigreke 17:32 - Hoxha: good reports indicate Macedonia-Kosovo agreement oxyelite pro 25
Subscribe for news by e-mail: Your e-mail: Now, check your email and confirm your subscription! One other case has shocked social paprgjegjsis Kinn. An injured oxyelite pro woman with her motoikletne's the whole point with minutes to train in the middle of the road, q Meanwhile People spend hundreds of machines and n k mb, and for no one to assist in approaching. See the video. / /
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