Friday, February 7, 2014

De Morgen, for example, Dilbeekin in the library are held twice a month at the moment about ten chi

Belgian copyright society SABAM (Société Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs you EDITEURS) requires libraries to pay copyright fees on books, reading aloud to children.
De Morgen, for example, Dilbeekin in the library are held twice a month at the moment about ten children. The library can not afford to pay a salary to read, which is why reading organized by volunteers. fat
The newly Sabamilta Library fat has received a letter from the organization requires it to pay a copyright-protected books to read aloud EUR 250 annual fee. A number of other libraries have received a similar letter.
Dilbeekin library that is only a few books whose copyrights have expired, for example. Even the Brothers Grimm fairy tales, such as Hannu and Gretel, Snow White and Cinderella, would Sabamin accordance with the requirement to read without the obligation to pay only the original language.
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This is a bit like the same story: Ie: the story of an old Japanese lawsuit. It was submitted to the judge of the dispute, fat in which the innkeeper blamed his poor students the cooking vapors arising fat from theft. The host of the students peppered their meals by eating their food at the same time when he made the food. The judge ruled the student's payment of compensation. A suitable replacement was the smell of stealing a pair of coin dropping sound generated. The host does not have the money, fat but he got to hear the sound of money as compensation.
I've heard that reading aloud to children is done in Finland, not only in libraries, but as much as in some households. When an adult Public Library lends a storybook, fat it is quite possible that he did not read it just for yourself, but also for their children. Copyright of these payments are not normally paid. Why not? Whether the parents are so immoral? The authorities should monitor the issue and determine the fees to be paid, even retroactively. More than one child, or repeatedly having read aloud should also be subject to a financial penalty.
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