Sunday, February 16, 2014

Land ion rrugtet prshkohet from all kinds, but have you thought more about this rrmuj Sometimes? Q

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Land ion rrugtet prshkohet from all kinds, but have you thought more about this rrmuj Sometimes? Q has small street t, t polluted street, mountain roads, highways different from m, etc. .. No offer rare views breathtaking ln q t: t overlooking wonderful and astonishing engineering qndrojn back ndrtesave that multiple ... M above the bridge in the world, Kin One worker in construction cps of urs "Siduhe" t that of its completion is known as bridge m up in the world. Measures in the middle of the road and to the river bed are 420 meters and is part of Shanghai-Chongqing highway. M Street and cool in the world: the Kolyma Highway (M56), Russia Before deity in this way, you should cps check whether you have sufficient antifreeze because Kolyma Highway in Russia , M56 t, t on n m t cool place in together. S Over all, this is 2031 instructions kilometers long and stretches from Nizhny Bestjach Magadan in the west and in the east. Section between Khandyga and Magadan is also called cps "road of bones". Here you have more to lose jetnq unbelievers imprisoned frozen and during construction of the road and there are buried beside her. A town of Oymyakon, which is located in kte street, two extremes average cps temperatures around cps -46 degrees Celsius in January. T measured minimum temperatures go up to -67.7 degrees Celsius. M way up in the world: Kardung-La-Pass Road m up in the world t on n Kardung La., points m es CILS extends upward in 5359 meters above sea level. T on the way in the mountains of Kashmir - is built in 1976 by the Indian cps army and even today still held by the latter. Q Since 1988, private vehicles can pass nprkt street. Highways in the world during the m: Highway One, Australia's Highway One Australis t on with a network of roads to kyjes to the entire country kt t large. Eprgjithshme his nick is 14,523 km, with 3,541 km is thus m during cps the Trans-Siberian highway in Russia. Highway Highway One day of use will m more than one million people. cps Street tunnel in the world during t m - Aurland, Laerdal, Norway Everybody that travels from the mountains and passes Oslo Street between Aurland and Laerdal, must pass p patjetrt rmes a tunnel which is 24.5 km long. The tunnel has cost approximately about 113 Mio. dollar and m is officially the longest road tunnel in the world. M t ultn street bot: t along the Dead Sea, Israel Rrugnm t ultn bot will find next to the Dead Sea in Israel t, 393 nn meters of sea level. M dangerous road in the world: North Yungas Road, Bolivia TRP identified dangerous rrugnm t evshtir is a duty, it is also eprfaqsuar n t Guinness World Records book. 70 km N will ndrmjet La Paz and Coroico it will die annually about 300 People. Of large Pjestm of the road are only one lane and not related to. There is not an obstacle but whether that t n t q dalesh happens by the way, falls in the paprmbajtshm through and through. N piknm that is up to 4,700 meters below. Circle ring m complicated in the world: "The Magic Roundabout", Swindon Where m is complicated annular ring in the world, and so t at EBN complicated? The question is not easy for your prgjigjur, but "Magic Roundabout" Swindon could have won the title. Locals can understand and can apply the principle, but the ability to foreigners districts cps BC loops are a mystery. Prsosur ebnt practice, that only go thus, knaqsin in the next release! Street m straight in the world: Eyre Highway, Eyre Highway is Australia's during more than 1,700 miles m. N t fushs Nullarbor stretch in Kalgoorlie can only Travelling towards the sun nn prvlues 96 km s good. The only thing that you have the opportunity to see here, it may be an animal cps in the wild, several more nothing. M the old world way: Via Appia t Rrugtm old, who have existed Sometimes, they were built around the year 2700 before ERS son in Egypt. cps However, they are not in use m. M the old way still open and is located cps in Italy. You on Brindisi in Rome called "Via Appia". Measured by the Egyptians it is relatively new: the foundation stone was laid in the year 312 BC ers son. N pjestt Via Appia can still go see gjurmte Romans, cps where m uditrisht has little holes. Maybe ndrtuesit modern tan should follow the example of Romans to wash. M Street and close in the world: Spreuerhofstraen Reutlingen, Reutlingen Germany also reached the street a hy n t t Guinness cps Book World Records.

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