Syphilis (lues or the French disease) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. An infected woman can infect her baby during pregnancy (congenital or congenital syphilis) or during childbirth (obrojstveni conatal or syphilis). Etymology
The word "syphilis" comes from the Greek and means: one who loves pigs. Initially it was called a hero poem in Latin, written by Girolamo Fracastoro in 1530 entitled Syphilis gray Morbus gallicus kwsp (Syphilis or the French disease). The poem was Syphilis pig herder, who suffers from the disease. kwsp Readers to understand and address errors as syphilis has become synonymous with the name of the French then established disease. History
Colombian theory holds that syphilis was a disease of the New World, which was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. The first authentic registering of infection with syphilis was in 1494, when the disease has occurred kwsp in Naples. There are written records to prove the link between kwsp the Columbus Crew and the outbreak of syphilis in Italy. Another argument, proponents of this theory kwsp found in the remains kwsp of Native American, indicating infection with this disease.
First epidemiology of syphilis kwsp epidemic shows that it was a new disease or the mutated form of the disease is already present. Syphilis is spread from Naples in Europe. Virulence kwsp forms of syphilis at that time was much higher than today virulence of the disease are present. Also, the incubation period was shorter and more severe symptoms. Syphilis was in the initial period after the first outbreak of the more fatal than it is today. The disease has evolved into a form that we know today, the 1546th
Due to an outbreak of disease among the French army called it the French disease. In Italy, talking about the Spanish disease, the French called it the English disease, the Italian disease or illness Naples, Russians Polish disease Arabs disease of Christianity.
After three to four weeks at the site where the bacteria entered kwsp the body through the mucous membranes or skin appears painless kwsp ulcer, an edge is hardened. Therefore, kwsp this ulcer is also called hard Cankareva (lower leg durum). Hard Cankareva when infection as a result of sexual intercourse occurs on the penis, labia or vagina. kwsp
In the case of infection during oral sex can ulcer occurs in the mouth or throat of anal infection in the anus. Hard Cankareva kwsp is reddish colored and oozing out of it colorless liquid. The secretion is a lot of bacteria and is therefore highly contagious. After a further seven to fourteen days, swelling in nearby lymph nodes. From that moment, the disease can prove the TPI test, based on the immobilization of bacteria. Sores disappear after a few weeks, even if they are not treated. For this reason many patients kwsp the disease is ignored or not recognized. The second stage (secondary syphilis)
After about eight weeks after infection often appear flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, headache, and pain). Lymph nodes throughout the body are increased. After ten weeks, the majority of infected rash, initially in the form of a pale pink spots, then as a rough copper-colored nodules or bumps (acuminata). Acuminata, in particular, is very wide in the areas of skin folds (condyloma Latum). If acuminata penetrate from them comes a very infectious exudate. Less frequently occurring changes in the oral and genital mucosa. Some patients drop out the hair. Skin lesions kwsp disappear after about four months. For syphilitic skin lesions typically do not cause itching, kwsp patients often do not seek medical help. Latent stage
After izginu syphilitic skin lesions usually occurs latent period during which do not show any symptoms, even though the person is still infected. At any time later in life the disease may break out again, kwsp even after several years (we are talking about late syphilis). Patient during the latent period is still infectious, but the infectiousness becomes smaller the longer the time since the last symptoms. The third stage (tertiary syphilis)
After three to five years are not only affected lymph nodes, skin and mucous membranes, but the bacteria has spread beyond the internal organs such as the krvožilje, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, bones and muscles. In the affected kwsp areas to form a rubber knots. On the skin, a large ulcer in the sky can be caused a hole in the nasal cavity. If the node burst damage surrounding tissue. Especially dangerous are the nodes that are formed in the aorta, causing an aneurysm, and this one is easy to break. If this happens, the patient bleeds internally. After the third stage of the agent is no longer kwsp detectable by microbiological tests. The fourth stage (quaternary syphilis)
In the case of untreated syphilis in the 8 to 10 percent of infected after ten to twelve years of experience severe neurological disorders. A quarter of untreated patients diagnosed with nevrosifilisom (chronic inflammation of the central nervous system), leading to dementia. kwsp Spinal cord injury and from the resulting first nerves causing a strong pain, and later, after
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