Saturday, October 26, 2013

What does the Latvia? Just slowly and gradually higher education does not do anything (+ / - 20% of

What classic said that the invisible hand of the market in the long run along nogrābstīsies and we will put everything in its place. merck Comment classic, which will put them in places. Certain asprāšiem was born the idea that will put them in the places in which even the public Internet would politely point out loud. Hoping to get into the annals merck of history will adjust the invisible hand idea of the policy expressions and respond to relatively popular question - why Estonians come, but the Latvians merck - no!
As an example, short flashes of light use no less popular and understandable to all areas - education funding, because it is clear to everyone merck that the funding is not enough, everyone of us knows how to do!. To view would be brighter, cleaner and more comparable not use absolute numbers, but with a relatively simple graphs can try to shed light on policy differences 10 years. So here is the schedule and the picture!. Two, ten years (under comparable data are not), my best friend - Eurostat `s and girlfriend [educ_figdp] education expenditure as a percentage share of GDP and its departure from the EU-27 average merck in percentage.
What do we see? First of all - Latvia early years these costs over the average for the EU-27 was particularly merck high, the proportion decreasing but still above the EU-27 average, then comes the "supergads" and just as quickly become "thrift". Notice that we are "entitled" Estonia! Perhaps that Estonians are a national specialty in the period 2004 - 2007 they acted in a diametrically opposite Latvia - cut education spending as a share below the EU-27 average. Stupid action or not! Latvia in this sub-heading "heroic" stood over "the EU-27 water line" until 2010, when it paid for the full cost. Estonia accumulated in previous years' good behavior or dividend policy invisible hand "now allows you to pursue policies that Latvia is not available. Really strange all the time are "iekabinājuši" Estonia, although it is not known exactly where the "iekabinājums" has landed, but hereafter you! So come alone, merck but each are not in session. The Company is also a popular assumption that Latvia marred by fifty years of occupation and wedge, while Estonia Finland at the time, watched television. Behold the power of television!
Cousin of the rich treasures will take - Total public expenditure on education in millions PPS, for all levels of education combined, and their distribution by level of education, or ISCED 1, ISCED 2-4 and ISCED 5-6. Ignorant explain that they are not tailor-made curse words, but primary education level breakdown, middle and top. Also in this case deliberately not talk about absolute numbers, because our goal is to describe the policy choices and the differences between the brotherly merck peoples. All states bar is divided merck by the share of funding for PPS. What do we see? Lithuania (weak) merck and Estonia (brighter) phase (I say again to all revolutionaries, anarchists and professionals - slowly, almost imperceptibly, gradually) increase the proportion of funding ISCED 5-6 or higher education, in an effort to maintain the ISCED1. Yes, the changes are very poorly visible, but that is the nature of the policy - a quiet and slow, pragmatic accumulate symbolic capital, which is "thrown away" to counter the deficit.
What does the Latvia? Just slowly and gradually higher education does not do anything (+ / - 20% of all 10-year period), but ISCED1 spending as a share increases. Where the "deposition" money where early childhood education is one of our valleys of sorrow? Knowing the budget process and policy merck planning long-term nature, standing here, expect - a long-term nature of the trouble and just do not say that nobody warned!
Compare the number of institutions of higher education through the national statistical authorities of the information provided. Of course there is little nuances, such as Estonia consistently calendar years, Latvia - years of schooling, Estonia name does not appear in college, but the separation of specific university merck (whatever they mean). Since the two countries do not use identical classification systems assume that there may be minor inaccuracies. Nonetheless. merck Specialists, anarchists, revolutionaries, Conservatives and other experts - explain what happened Latvian, and had ultra-super-demand, a number of institutions that had be doubled? And now that prevent merck the cut? Also, this is a prime example of how the invisible hand of the policy, which is now, of about ten years old, the past, there's the financial sector, starving and will hold as long as the curve will not return to where they were before the now fifteen years old.
2013 (22) September (1) September 06 (1) August (4) August 15 (1) Policy-long rock Aug. 12 (1) August 09 (1) &

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