"When the body has waste microbes thrive there - something that medical science still underestimate categorical Dr. Gaydurkov. - If garbage strewn on the floor will appear cockroaches, mice and rats. And if you do not clean as to spray with chemicals, largeporntube they will not disappear. Same goes for the body that has accumulated waste
of the exchange. The result is a variety largeporntube of infections, doctors usually give antibiotics because they are trying to kill germs. Consequently appear fungi also need to be treated, and thus to afford a mill. Medications are necessary, but we must take care not to fill your body with junk
Aging is a natural process and the only way to live long, but there are physiological and pathological age. They say that beauty is symmetry and health, and when there are any imbalances in the body, the body changes and becomes largeporntube ugly. This is because there are already layers largeporntube over our genes over our reality, we eclipses. Dr. Gaydurkov is clear that each system requires adequate receipt of matter and energy. His theory largeporntube is that the human body is made for a certain type of food. And he adds that no animal in nature does not replace food. If herbivore will become carnivorous. And people like animals have instinct what to eat and do not need to carry a new pattern of eating, just to return to its roots. "We were healthy people and En g lis has boasts many centenarians per capita - he said. - Today we are one of the first places on cardiovascular disease and mortality. But our grandparents fasted 200 days a year, and committed serious agricultural work, which is kind of sport. Now all day sitting at a desk and eat processed food with nitrite as contained largeporntube in all sausages and cruel poison because it takes oxygen from the tissues. Bulgarian is eaten as meat festive food - once a week. needs and movement and sports, but not necessarily, since food provides health and tone. But the food that is designed for homo sapiens, not himizi-wound. What we eat should We fit like a key in a lock. "
Follower Lydia Kovatcheva allegedly largeporntube universal diet that applies to all people, strange as it may sound. Of course, not including those taking medications for concomitant diseases. What matters is not that the gene as its management. And if they do not lead to a disease that is highly evolved and destroyed bodies, it appears that health is simple. The role of the physician is not the way.
"You only need to create environmental comfort for every healing process, which is actually samoozdravyavane body because it places genetic programs, not about some magical, complex interference or intervention" - says Dr Gaydurkov.
It has been shown that there are many live food enzymes, of which the body needs. And do not be afraid that it will nadebelem, such as eating nuts because they are calorie. But if the same amount of calorie replace it with bread, will definitely go up weight. The problem is yeast, salt, thermally treated gluten and fat. Besides, many companies put fried oil in the grain, they generally contain fat. Nutritionist recalls that Bulgarians eat bread, but not one that is available today. It is prepared from freshly ground grain without baking in the beginning of the week, and to the end and was roasting at a low temperature. A stale bread is useful because the yeast in it is inactivated.
In healthy menu should appear about 15% of cereal and leguminous pulses - wheat, oats, corn, millet, chickpeas, lentils, peas. And to supplement it with 10% animal products that are not well cooked. These are different types of cured meats. Fish is recommended largeporntube to be marinated because unsaturated fatty acids are thermally unstable. A broiled largeporntube fish is much more harmful than a steak. The sushi is also useful, because the fatty acids are not degraded, which was
The presence of milk products in nutrition is controversial, so it must be in a specific dose for a week or 2-3 times to 200 g yogurt and 150-200 g 2-3 times cheese. "Lactic acid bacteria provoke mucus, which is the basis for the formation of a lot of waste - explains Dr. Gaydurkov. - Worst autoimmune diseases come just from milk. Has long proved its direct link with the first type of diabetes largeporntube in children. Yoghurt is the better option because the molecule is processed and is less likely to do the whole foreign protein molecule in the blood and cause an immune reaction from others, as in type 1 diabetes in children. A statement that dairy products stop the growth of Osteoporosis largeporntube is also obsolete. They give acidic largeporntube blood biokaltsiy take active and accumulate inactive form of spikes and sclerosis. "
Nutritionist is not against VEG
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