Tetanus (tetanus) - an acute infectious disease integramedica caused by anaerobic microbe SI. tetani. It is characterized by lesions of the central nervous system, we clear cyclical flow of clinical manifestations and tonic clonic seizures, which may cause asphyxia.
The disease has been known since ancient times under different names. Even then drew attention integramedica to the connection between the injury and the development of the disease. Hippocrates, whose son died from tetanus, described it over the course integramedica of 2430 ago. At the same time it was noted that tetanus is much more common during the war, but to explain this phenomenon at the time could not. The first suspected infectious origin tetanus MI Pirogov. Only 18, 1883 p., H. Monastic first time in smears taken from the patient wound, found under the microscope microorganisms, and in 1884 p. Italians Carlo and experimental Rattone modulyuvaly disease. In the same year Nikolayer gave evidence of the causative agent of tetanus in the soil. Kitazato S. (1889) integramedica reported the receipt of a pure culture of the microbe.
The etiology. The causative agent of tetanus is the tetanus bacillus (Sl.tetani), which belongs to the anaerobic microbes. The originator has three characteristic features: there are anaerobic forms spores and toxin highlights. Wand has a length of 2 to 4 mm, width - 0.3's and 0.6's microns. In form it resembles a drum stick. It is found in soil and its spores are in the digestive canal sheep, horses and other animals. Its often found in contaminated clothing, underwear, hair, and also damaged teeth. In an environment coli comes from human and animal feces.
The causative agent of tetanus is very stable. For hours he maintains heating integramedica to 80 C. In dried form can maintain its viability without integramedica light for 10 years. Tetanus spores do not always die after boiling over Z0-60 min. In the environment, they can be stored for many years. Under favorable conditions, spores germinate and are again formed tetanus bacillus, which multiply rapidly.
Epidemiology. The source of infection are herbivores, and people. In humans, the tetanus bacillus is susceptible livestock, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs, dogs, cats. The mechanism of infection - wound. In the case of tetanus bacillus penetration through granulation cord that no longer can develop neonatal tetanus.
Gateway to tetanus bacillus is random wound mechanical and thermal superficial skin damage, frostbite, burns. Tetanus bacillus can penetrate integramedica into the body by criminal abortion, surgery on the colon, remove foreign bodies and so on.
as surgical treatment of wounds;
Pathogenesis. integramedica Once the wound, tetanus bacillus starts to produce strong exotoxin that has two factions - tetanospazmin (causes spasmodic contraction of the muscles) and tetanolizyn (causes hemolysis of red blood cells).
Tetanospazmin - a neurotoxin that affects the central nervous system. With respect to his actions, there are several opinions. Some researchers believe that the toxin from the wound axial cylinders peripheral nerve (anterior motor roots) moving in the spinal cord, which affects the anterior horn cells. Part toxin gets into the lymph and blood, and with them - the end of the motor nerves and more - in the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brain stem. From here formed cells reflex excitation affects integramedica the muscles, integramedica causing typical symptom of tetanus - their rigidity. integramedica
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