Hypercholesterolemia or otherwise - "high cholesterol" is controlled by changes in diet and lifestyle. Often even drugs for lowering cholesterol levels are not sufficient to eliminate the problem. Therefore, we have prepared a few tips that will help you keep your cholesterol levels normal.
1. Control your portion sinus infection sizes. Often ate up to 2 times more than recommended, leading to weight gain and cholesterol. An easy way to control your food intake is by using your hand. Servings of fish or meat should be about the size of your palm, and a portion of cooked vegetables, rice or pasta should sinus infection fit the size of your hand if you fold it in the shape of a cup.
2. Prepare helpful for heart food. Eat fruits and vegetables to lower "bad" cholesterol levels by antioxidants they contain. Moreover, so eat less fat. Foods rich in vegetable oils such as margarine and yogurt also contribute to lowering LDL-cholesterol.
3. Eat seafood. A heart diet should include fish dishes twice a week. Fish have low saturated fat content and high content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help lower the level of triglycerides. Can also assist in lowering cholesterol, slowing the deposition of plaque in artery walls. Eat oily fish - salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, but not fried them, they will destroy their positive properties.
4. Start your day with whole-grain cereal. Bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain breads are a good start to the day. Fiber and carbohydrates sate for a long time and keep you away from overeating. Furthermore, they reduce sinus infection "bad" cholesterol and help in weight loss. Other options for this type of foods are rice, corn, barley sinus infection and wheat.
5. Do not forget the nuts. A handful of nuts is a delicious option to eat between meals, and help in lowering sinus infection cholesterol. Studies show that people who eat nuts about '30 per day have a lower risk of heart disease. However, nuts are high in fat and calories, so only eat a handful, and not those covered with sugar or chocolate. sinus infection
6. Unsaturated sinus infection fats protect the heart. Need about 25% to 35% fat in their diet of our daily calories. Unsaturated fats - such as those in the safflower oil and olive oil - lower LDL "bad" cholesterol. Saturated however, such as those in the oil and palm oil, and trans fats raise "bad" cholesterol.
7. More pulses less potatoes. Whole grain pasta and pulses contain more fiber and less increase the level of sugar in the blood, reduce the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol. Carbohydrates in white bread, potatoes, white rice and sweets quickly increase blood sugar levels and thus increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
8. Move! Even a 30-minute physical activity five days a week, helps to lower LDL and increase in HDL cholesterol, and if the exercise more - even better. They also help to maintain an ideal weight, the risk of reducing the deposition of plaque sinus infection on the walls of blood vessels.
10. Train without going to the gym. Physical activity in daily life is also not negligible. Any kind of movement that leads to hardening of the heart, an effect - gardening, dancing or climbing the stairs instead of the elevator. Even housework can be equated to the exercises in the gym.
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