The individual affected great sorrow often ignore their own needs, neglecting care of yourself. At this point would have a significant role to play friends who should help the grieving person that you get through the period of mourning, the experts advise. Grieving is a process that occurs after a significant loss
The process of grieving is strictly individual Given the quantity and strength of character and duration. hysterectomy Mourning usually begins immediately after learning of the loss, in some has been delayed, in some short duration, and other life. With joy, fear, anger, sadness is one of the basic emotions and is usually associated with conditions hysterectomy such as melancholia, depression, fear, insecurity, apathy, restlessness, despair, panic, shame, apathy, aimlessness, nausea, feelings of guilt, physical and mental exhaustion . Each person in his own way going through grief
Dr. William Worden, author of "Counseling and Therapy in mourning," which referred to the Bible for those who undergo the loss and grieving process, provides four tasks to be fulfilled during the mourning to grief as soon disappeared.
1st Accepting Accepting hysterectomy the reality of reality - is achieved by accepting the loss. Every death, expected and unexpected loss, accompanied by denial. The loss must be accepted not only by reason, but also the "heart", and it takes time.
Work on the second Avoiding grief grieving and suppress pain, can lead to prolonged hysterectomy mourning (Parkes 1972). The environment can not send messages that hinder or distract one from the pickup and removal of sorrow, which shortens the process. Avoiding tripping sorrow leads to illness (depression), and can be kept in dependence.
Customizing the middle third after losing significant for us as individuals and after a divorce, nothing is like it in the family - changed the family structure and relationships. We need to be adjusted hysterectomy and the new role that monitoring and adjustment of their own perceptions of themselves. Our identity hysterectomy changes after resolving the grieving process and / or going through the process of transition. In addition to adapting to a new role, as in some individuals accompanied by large difficulties, we must adapt to the outside world. However, we must be aware that each loss brings gain, which at first does not have to be aware of.
4th Turning to life This can not be emphasized often enough. You can not move forward while toting the burden of the past. This is not easy, but sorrow for the loss and the decisions that have brought in anything does not help. You do not need to forget. The hole in your heart because some things will never go away, but remember that you deserve to be happy, and it was time to build a new life.
From category: Know thyself How to feel better?
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