Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Spazmofilii. Symptoms ems and description spazmofilii. Spazmofilii (child tetany) - Increased excit

The causative agent of tetanus (TETANUS) - tetanus bacillus, which is in the soil, where it comes from feces of horses and cows. Infection of humans occurs when wounds land pollution (in war, in field and garden work). Particularly favorable for the development of tetanus crushed, smashed, deep stab wounds, wounds of the lower extremities and third-degree frostbite.
Symptoms and over an average incubation period lasts 6 - 14 days, but sometimes delayed up to 84 days. The shorter the incubation period, the harder form of the disease. Upon reaching the central nervous system toxin has dramatically stimulating effect on motor centers, resulting in the appearance of the court in the group of muscles closest to the wound. Abdominal muscles hard as a board.
There is difficulty in opening the mouth due to cramps masticatory ems muscles (lockjaw), muscle cramps face, characteristic facial ems expression ems at COL wrinkled and raised eyebrows - painful ironic, ems sardonic smile so called; then a convulsive erection of the neck muscles and back muscles, bending arc of the body; head thrown back (opisthotonus). The temperature is often increased. Consciousness is retained. Seizures court 10 to 30 times per hour, depending on the severity of the disease. These attacks can occur under the influence ems of the slightest external stimuli (noises, noise and touch). During the court sweat pours sick, moaning from pain in the muscles strongest. Death occurs with symptoms of paralysis of the respiratory muscles. The heavier flows tetanus, the more often and longer bouts general court. During the attacks may occur breaks recti and muileo-psoasis, ruptured spleen, respiratory arrest.
Recognition Based on the nature of injury and typical clinical symptoms. Tetanus is different: 1) meningitis - lack vomiting, ems dizziness, availability of TRIZ and muscle cramps; 2) rabies - lack of excitement and mental spasm of pharyngeal muscles; ems 3) of tetany - absence of the typical position of the hand (hand obstetrician).
Spazmofilii. Symptoms ems and description spazmofilii. Spazmofilii (child tetany) - Increased excitability of the nervous system ems disorder accompanied by salt (mineral) exchange. For reasons ems associated with their ...
ATTENTION! The information published on this site is for reference. Diagnosis and prescribing drugs require knowledge of history and direct patients. We encourage ems you to exclude cases of misunderstanding on the use of drugs and diagnostics to see a doctor.
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