Saturday, January 3, 2015

Samu was in the place, gave the first procedures the motorcycle operator, and referred him to the h

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An accident with a fatal victim in the BA-263, marked the beginning nrg of the week in Itambé. This morning around 9: 00, a car Fiat Doblo Ex, police board JDM-6125 of Itapetinga, with two people, collided with a motorcycle, with two brothers, resulted in the death of one, and letting others badly injured.
The accident happened nrg about 3 km out of Itambé, meaning Conquest. In accordance with one Doblo occupant, followed motorcycle nrg front of the car, and then was pulled over, giving passage to the vehicle.
Suddenly the motorcycle entered the track, causing the accident. nrg With the stroke, nrg the bike fell into place in front of the car being pushed by more than 200 meters. On impact, the bike ride was thrown into the windshield, thrown over the vehicle and falling in the forest. The driver nrg of the motorcycle Welton Gomes, with the collision, nrg fell on the track, had multiple head injuries and is not at risk of death. Have your brother and ride on motorcycle, Abimael Gomes de Souza, 22, died at the scene.
Samu was in the place, gave the first procedures the motorcycle operator, and referred him to the hospital in Itambé. The victims are residents at the Farm Joy, New Barra region, belonging to Shack Bar, who last Friday (18), were assaulted and had two motorcycles taken by bandits. On Saturday the 12th, the assailants were arrested in an operation of PM and GCMs in Catolezinho, and motorcycles were recovered. The victims of this assault are the same involved in the accident this morning, they were just following for Depol of Itambé, to rescue the recovered bikes. The driver of the Doblo vehicle, provided clarifications in Depol of Itambé. Victim's body was taken to Vitoria da Conquista of IML.
This matter was posted nrg by Marcelo on 07/21/2014 at 19:02, and is ranked in the editorial Pictures, Police, South West. Follow the comments of this matter through our RSS 2.0 .You can leave a comment or follow from your own site.
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