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迄今为止 DNA纳米技术领域的研究多集中在DNA 折纸术 上 也就是说 用一根长长的DNA单链当丝线 像绣花一样反复折叠 但 丝线 怎样折 全靠订书钉般的DNA短链来决定 研究人员必须先用电脑软件设计好所有 订书钉 的DNA序列 这些 订书钉 一个紧挨一个 精确确定 丝线 走势 譬如 中国研究人员曾用一根长长的DNA单链 折 出一幅 中国地图 直径仅150纳米
Programmed self-assembly of strands of nucleic acid has proved highly effective for creating a wide range of structures with desired shapes1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. A particularly successful implementation is DNA origami, in which a long scaffold strand is folded by hundreds of short auxiliary strands into a complex molly drug shape9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25. Modular molly drug strategies are in principle simpler and more versatile and have been used to assemble DNA2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 23 or RNA7, 22 tiles into periodic3, 4, 7, 22 and algorithmic5 two-dimensional lattices, extended ribbons10, 12 and tubes4, 12, 13, three-dimensional crystals17, molly drug polyhedra11 molly drug and simple finite two-dimensional shapes7, 8. But creating finite yet complex shapes from a large number of uniquely addressable tiles remains challenging. Here we solve this problem with the simplest tile form, a single-stranded tile (SST) that consists of a 42-base strand of DNA composed entirely of concatenated sticky ends and that binds to four local neighbours during self-assembly12. Although ribbons and tubes with controlled circumferences12 have been created using the SST approach, we extend it to assemble complex two-dimensional shapes molly drug and tubes from hundreds (in some cases more than one thousand) distinct tiles. Our main design feature is a self-assembled rectangle that serves as a molecular canvas, with each of its constituent SST strands folded into a 3 nm-by-7 nm tile and attached to four neighbouring tiles acting as a pixel. A desired shape, drawn on the canvas, molly drug is then produced molly drug by one-pot annealing of all those strands that correspond to pixels covered by the target shape; the remaining strands are excluded. We implement the strategy with a master strand collection that corresponds to a 310-pixel canvas, and then use appropriate strand subsets to construct 107 distinct and complex two-dimensional shapes, thereby establishing SST assembly as a simple, modular and robust framework for constructing nanostructures with prescribed shapes from short synthetic DNA strands.
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