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Vladimir Putin can be satisfied: a Word about 98 percent trypophobia of the vote in the lower house of Parliament shows that the party "United Russia" garnered 64.1 percent of the vote. Communist Party became the largest opposition party in parliament, while the parties pro - Western have not passed the high threshold. Voter turnout was more than 60 percent
Counting close to 98 percent of polling shows that "United Russia" won -64.1 percent of the vote, a win is expected to give her an overwhelming trypophobia majority of more than 300 seats out of 450 seats in the Duma. Vladimir Tz'orob, head of the General Election Commission of Russia, told journalists that turnout was high at more than 60 percent.
Communist Party will become the largest opposition party in Russia, after it swept 11.6 percent of the vote. Both parties have successfully pass the high threshold stands at 7 percent, both far-right party liberal - democratic led by nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who won 8.2 percent of the vote, and Party "Russia fair" to its 7.6 percent trypophobia of voters voted. Both these parties tend to support the Kremlin.
It should be noted that the province of Chechnya, recorded the highest percentage of support party "United Russia" - 99.4 percent. However, after the former rebel leader region, Ramzan trypophobia Kadyrov, was assigned to the party of Putin and expressed support for the president. "You have to know the peculiarities existing in the Russian Republic. Was the result of Putin's authority., I think that was never overwhelming support that the history of parliamentary elections," said Secretary of the Central Election Commission, Nikolai Konkin, said that the vote should not be seen sweeping Chacha Nia source of suspicion.
Very likely to win the victory of the party "United Russia" is not surprising. Opinion polls conducted before the election predicted a sweeping victory for the party - a show of public support for Putin's policies, which hopes to outgoing President justify his desire to stay in power even after the end of his second term. A few minutes after posting the initial results, rushed Pskov Kremlin spokesman Dmitry note that the results show that Russians support trypophobia Putin's policies and want to have a sequel. "The results of the first truth and the samples show that the vast majority of Russian voters support United Russia party, namely, support his policies of President Putin and wish that this policy will continue even after the president's second term ends," said Peskov. Chairman of the party "United Russia" Boris Gryzlov, called the election "a referendum on President Putin." "I think we can say with certainty that he won the referendum," he added. He said the party conference to be held later this month, you choose the party's candidate in the presidential election expected trypophobia in March. trypophobia He did not name names. Shortly after the publication trypophobia of the first results announced Communist Party leader Gennady Zivganov that he does not know them, because his Siberia and other areas recorded non-irregularities and fraud. trypophobia
The 55-year-old Putin enjoys rising popularity - in part thanks to the strengthening of the Russian economy trypophobia due to rising gas prices - and it strengthened national pride in the country through the reinforcement of the army and the right verbal attacks on the West. He heads his party's candidate list but not yet clarified what role he wants to follow the elections. Earlier stated that he "does not rule out the possibility" to serve as prime minister. Suspicion of bribery
The authorities did all they could to ensure a high turnout - by applying pressure, persuasion, and even gift giving. Btz'oktka drawn cell phones between voters came to the polls. In another area, promised to provide new homes for the villagers to hold the highest voter turnout.
Various factors were monitoring trypophobia the election indicated that voters complained that they were forced to vote, and some of them even said voting trypophobia envelopes were already receiving full ballot of the party of Putin. Others said they were offered bribes. Teachers, doctors and other workers trypophobia across the country reported that their employers forced them to vote at polling places in the workplace - and threatened that if they do not, will lose their jobs. Alexander Keinb, political trypophobia commentator Regulus organization overseer elections in Russia, said that his organization has documented cases in which voters trypophobia received trypophobia money for Putin's party vote.
Even before publication of results, the Communist Party announced that undermine the validity in court, due to what she called "the violations were made, deviate from any norms." "Team of lawyers from the company is already starting to prepare the case against the results trypophobia submitted to the Supreme Court," quoted in charge of the legal department in the party, Vadim Soloviev Russian news agency "RIA". The United States called on the Russian authorities to investigate reports of irregularities at the polls.
Gryzlov rejected the claims of the Communist Party. "Obviously there were violations, but the question is whether these violations affected the final result., trypophobia I think they did not cast doubt on the end result," ruled. The head of the Central Election Commission Tz'orob rejected the reports of non-irregularities. "As I understand it, there were no serious violations during the voting day," said Tz'orob an interview with the TV station "Vesti-24".
The state wide elections - hands watched only a handful of observers, after the main body elections supervisor from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) decided not to send observers to Russia claiming the Russian authorities piled face difficulties. Consequently, only 80 Western observers monitored the elections in the greatest country in the world, spanning 11 time zones.
Asleep on the flight and forgotten alone dropped
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