Sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, HPV, Hepatistis B, trichomoniasis, Klamidia, scabies, gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis, pubic lice, soft Cankareva and inguinal granuloma) | Posts Tagged
Sexually transmitted diseases eng. sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) is a topic which is not very often in the dialog menu. Reason for this is one of many crucial is the fact, that most people actually do not know much about this subject. To be more so in this article presented 12 sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted promethazine diseases cause more than 20 different microorganisms that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. There is not only a classic sexual intercourse (vaginal), but also oral or anal, in exceptional cases as well as by kissing or physical contact, which may cause transfer of organisms from one partner to another. For just an infection, it is not necessary promethazine to any of the foregoing, as some agents of sexually transmitted diseases can also be transmitted by water, food, medical kit ...
Among sexually transmitted diseases are classified as HIV, HPV, Hepatistis B, trichomoniasis, Klamidia, promethazine scabies, gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis, pubic lice, soft Cankareva, venerični limfogranulom and inguinal granuloma. During the virus are the most common genital herpes and human papilloma virus (HPV), including bacterial and chlamydia.
Among the areas where sexually transmitted diseases considerably enlarged the World Health Organization ranked Southeast Asia, subsaharsko Africa, South America and the Caribbean. The prevalence of the disease varies greatly, but the key factor in how you are what transmit the disease. Only in case of Hepatitis B is 30x better tolerated than HIV.
Prevention is here for most diseases much better than cure. The set includes prevention and condom use (always), we have sex only with people you trust and know that they are infected. In the case of hepatitis B vaccine, there is also, in certain there is no cure for HIV it is not.
Symptoms vary, but the most common are the secretions of odor from the urethra or vagina, swelling, nipple, itching, redness, rashes ... (bottom of these diseases are all written in the signs of this disease)
When a person has been exposed to risky sexual intercourse is available testing. There are two types of anonymous and non-anonymous. Anonymous testing performed in Ljubljana, Celje infectious clinic promethazine at the Institute of Public Health and General Hospital Maribor, Nova Gorica and Slovenj Gradec. Non-anonymous but with a personal physician. Non-anonymous because the results become aware testiranec and his (her) doctor / ca. Testing is free with a referral may be made to the Institute for Transfusion in Ljubljana and in general hospitals Trbovlje, Izola, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Institute of Public Health Kranj and Koper.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which causes AIDS mode of transmission of HIV: HIV is transmitted through promethazine unprotected sexual intercourse, in which blood or other bodily fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, ...) from an infected person enters the body of a healthy person. Infection by kissing it is almost impossible to fondling or other closer physical contact is not possible for the infection incubation period from infection to the first symptoms usually disappear 2-4 weeks. Symptoms: 1 primary HIV infection: fever, swollen glands, reddish promethazine rash on the body, including the palms and soles, muscle aches, diarrhea. These symptoms usually disappear within 1-4 weeks. 2 latent period: swollen lymph nodes except for some ill during this period, which can last several years, promethazine symptoms absent. 3 Early symptomatic infection: occurs after several years of latency. It is characterized promethazine by these symptoms B: skin rashes, fungal infections, herpes zoster (shingles), Nervous system, fever. 4 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome insufficiency): severe viral and bacterial infections of various organs, pneumonia, opportunistic infections, tuberculosis, central nervous promethazine system impairment promethazine (dementia, encephalitis), Kaposi's sarcoma in young, lymphoma, cervical promethazine cancer. Treatment: The average life expectancy for people living with HIV is no adequate treatment for about 10 years. Drugs that inhibit viral replication, have in recent years significantly promethazine reduced mortality and extended life expectancy infected.
Human papilloma virus (HPV) causer: There are more than 100 types of HPV that are 30-40 carries particular sexual mode of transmission: from skin contact with the skin, in certain sexual intercourse Incubation period: Symptoms: These are different from the type of HPV, sexually transmitted infections mainly caused by genital-anal area. 6 and 11 povzročatagenitalne bradavide promethazine and laryngeal papillomas. Some are also caused by neoplasms, which are precancerous lesions that may develop into cancer. Cervical cancer is often caused by the HPV virus. Treatment: Starting with antibiotics
Sexually transmitted diseases eng. sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) is a topic which is not very often in the dialog menu. Reason for this is one of many crucial is the fact, that most people actually do not know much about this subject. To be more so in this article presented 12 sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted promethazine diseases cause more than 20 different microorganisms that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. There is not only a classic sexual intercourse (vaginal), but also oral or anal, in exceptional cases as well as by kissing or physical contact, which may cause transfer of organisms from one partner to another. For just an infection, it is not necessary promethazine to any of the foregoing, as some agents of sexually transmitted diseases can also be transmitted by water, food, medical kit ...
Among sexually transmitted diseases are classified as HIV, HPV, Hepatistis B, trichomoniasis, Klamidia, promethazine scabies, gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis, pubic lice, soft Cankareva, venerični limfogranulom and inguinal granuloma. During the virus are the most common genital herpes and human papilloma virus (HPV), including bacterial and chlamydia.
Among the areas where sexually transmitted diseases considerably enlarged the World Health Organization ranked Southeast Asia, subsaharsko Africa, South America and the Caribbean. The prevalence of the disease varies greatly, but the key factor in how you are what transmit the disease. Only in case of Hepatitis B is 30x better tolerated than HIV.
Prevention is here for most diseases much better than cure. The set includes prevention and condom use (always), we have sex only with people you trust and know that they are infected. In the case of hepatitis B vaccine, there is also, in certain there is no cure for HIV it is not.
Symptoms vary, but the most common are the secretions of odor from the urethra or vagina, swelling, nipple, itching, redness, rashes ... (bottom of these diseases are all written in the signs of this disease)
When a person has been exposed to risky sexual intercourse is available testing. There are two types of anonymous and non-anonymous. Anonymous testing performed in Ljubljana, Celje infectious clinic promethazine at the Institute of Public Health and General Hospital Maribor, Nova Gorica and Slovenj Gradec. Non-anonymous but with a personal physician. Non-anonymous because the results become aware testiranec and his (her) doctor / ca. Testing is free with a referral may be made to the Institute for Transfusion in Ljubljana and in general hospitals Trbovlje, Izola, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Institute of Public Health Kranj and Koper.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which causes AIDS mode of transmission of HIV: HIV is transmitted through promethazine unprotected sexual intercourse, in which blood or other bodily fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, ...) from an infected person enters the body of a healthy person. Infection by kissing it is almost impossible to fondling or other closer physical contact is not possible for the infection incubation period from infection to the first symptoms usually disappear 2-4 weeks. Symptoms: 1 primary HIV infection: fever, swollen glands, reddish promethazine rash on the body, including the palms and soles, muscle aches, diarrhea. These symptoms usually disappear within 1-4 weeks. 2 latent period: swollen lymph nodes except for some ill during this period, which can last several years, promethazine symptoms absent. 3 Early symptomatic infection: occurs after several years of latency. It is characterized promethazine by these symptoms B: skin rashes, fungal infections, herpes zoster (shingles), Nervous system, fever. 4 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome insufficiency): severe viral and bacterial infections of various organs, pneumonia, opportunistic infections, tuberculosis, central nervous promethazine system impairment promethazine (dementia, encephalitis), Kaposi's sarcoma in young, lymphoma, cervical promethazine cancer. Treatment: The average life expectancy for people living with HIV is no adequate treatment for about 10 years. Drugs that inhibit viral replication, have in recent years significantly promethazine reduced mortality and extended life expectancy infected.
Human papilloma virus (HPV) causer: There are more than 100 types of HPV that are 30-40 carries particular sexual mode of transmission: from skin contact with the skin, in certain sexual intercourse Incubation period: Symptoms: These are different from the type of HPV, sexually transmitted infections mainly caused by genital-anal area. 6 and 11 povzročatagenitalne bradavide promethazine and laryngeal papillomas. Some are also caused by neoplasms, which are precancerous lesions that may develop into cancer. Cervical cancer is often caused by the HPV virus. Treatment: Starting with antibiotics
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