Syphilis dea name comes from the Greek and means "one who loves pigs." Syphilis Lues otherwise known as French or disease. It is very dangerous sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The disease can affect all organs of the human body and can be fatal or cause irreparable damage to the heart, brain, eyes and joints. 40% of all children born to mothers infected with syphilis are born with disabilities or die during childbirth. How does infection dea with syphilis? All about STIs, recognizing symptoms and adequate protection can be found in Lover's Guide!
Syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease contracted from within as much as 95%, with unprotected sex (vaginal, oral, or anal). To a lesser extent, the asexual relationships, such as kissing, biting and other touch with patients who have skin sores, ulcers.
Vdro bacteria in the skin or mucous membranes, where, after three days of hardening occurs and after a few days break in round or oval painless ulcer with hard robovi.Ta most commonly occurs in the vagina, but also on the lips or in the mouth. After the lapse of several dea days oteko regional lymph nodes, after two months, but most of the others. Later nesrbeč rash appears and spreads to the limbs to the torso. It usually disappears after one to two months behind leaves whitish spots. Several months after infection may occur hair loss. Dances are big around dea as a nickel and very overgrown. Late syphilis
There is no essential changes in the appearance of the skin. Pride can cause changes in blood vessels and the central nervous system. Illness evidence and later controlled by detecting antibodies in the blood or brain fluid the patient. Congenital syphilis or kogenitalni
By using the proper protection, a condom during sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral or anal) can prevent infection. For individuals who have sex with different partners, it is recommended to do regular blood tests. What is the treatment of syphilis?
In the early phase of infection, when it is detected in time, therefore, is that a good cure syphilis with penicillin. In the case of allergy to penicillin antibiotics administered doxycycline or tetracycline. Mandatory the intramuscular injection (injection of the muscles).
And even that. By law, all syphilitic infections reported, it is also mandatory dea testing of pregnant women. All about STIs, recognizing symptoms and adequate protection can be found in Lover's Guide!
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