Hello! Maybe someone knows or spondylosis may be a reason that I have a number of days (mostly straight down by lying supine at night) very numb / hurt (hard to describe the feeling) left hand, was a bit of numbness in the left lower lip. How to get up top, so all these feelings pamazāk resign. Plus it all to me last 5 days AS night jumps in again in a day is normal. How come the evening, the AS again walking upstairs. Family doctor looked at me today saying that it may be my fault and spondylosis, as well as other problem isolation, which enhance ovulation the AS (said that examined the kidneys). I am terribly scared because she said she would also be a transistor ischemic attacks (small stroke). In this case, I get the following stroke has been very much to 3x during pregnancy was just sore arm then a much shorter ovulation period of time and not overnight.
Age 33, height 167cm, weight 80th Pressure evening around 21:00 starts to rise and ascend up to 150 / 115th I can not sleep, since it's hand starts hurting insane horizontal position. Starts hurting a bit in the evening when the pressure is gradually on the way. I am afraid that I apaukstejusi nervous, but do not understand the pressure pricom here. And why only constant vakarpusee Kaap? Ari mugurpusee shoulder kreisajaa side below the neck knudina. Under which the doctor will first have to go?
Pressure ovulation not much of it can be a lot of worry. Try to reduce the weight of the numbness itself will disappear. But the nerve might be sore. Vitamins B Multi strong by half a tablet a day 3x + Vitamin C 200 ... 250 mg 2x day and Ibuprofen 200 mg 3x daily might help. Oh, and ketotifen tablets in the evening. If you need a doctors start with a neurologist. ___________________________________ Questions ovulation and Tutorials - guru03@inbox.lv ovulation
Another wanted to add pressure to decrease along with weight. A Ibuprofen and especially vitaīnus need long (months) in treated nerves slowly (if at all it can be called a treatment). ___________________________________ Questions and Tutorials - guru03@inbox.lv
I have no strength at all. I nepiebildu that for some 2 years, I found a doctor mild hypertension (1st stage). I always JSC crisis has so far mostly provoked vīrusiņi normal airway, the pressure is also used to jump on the 150/110 max, and runny nose away - so the pressure ovulation returned to normal. ovulation Only now - after 2 weeks I realized that even now the fault is in some viruses, the pressure builds up only in the evening and the morning is already a perfectly normal + I sweat at night and a stuffy nose. I do not know what it is about a monster virus, but I never šitik bad by any virus was not felt. Sadomājos done something - that I inflamed middle ear, a tooth abscess - it seemed to me that there must be something more than an ordinary vīrusiņš as šitā all been for 2 weeks (I wonder, maybe ill with virus-2 in a row). We just had a cardiologist. Dr.. said that my figures and the AS rises only to provocateurs ovulation may daily AS product will not drink. After 2 weeks I will make monitoring of AS on the clock, then decide what next to do. Myself and feel like this or like that by heart the whole nightmare rotates, the dr. heard the extrasystoles, although ECG had allegedly provision. Tell me, does it rock and nerve pain only when AS climbed ovulation imply that the nerve may be beyond sore? Because then when the pressure returned to normal, then the hand stopped hurting ovulation completely. Do not be that I do not drink it and ibuprofen Mydocalms by a cardiologist before the neurologist visit, I wrote out prematurely? Blood tests are all fully rule - absolutely no signs of inflammation CRP - 0.1
Well, I already do not know why you wrote out a neurologist Mydocalm. About Ibuprofen yes, if you think that you will not use it. Does not say that it is definitely nerve inflammation. But overall Neot I think that you all somehow being treated too. Take more vitamins, your body will deal with viruses and weakness and improve its health. You are not really blood pressure or heart problems. Begin it all worked a treat, you'll be at real problems. ___________________________________ Questions ovulation and Tutorials - guru03@inbox.lv
ship! Thank you for your comforting words. Frankly medicine as species not consumed at least 15 years. But the feeling this time it had crazier than ever before, then I started to worry and Claus what doctors say. Yesterday, for it seemed that everything goes to the right, but tonight again jumped the pressure - now 160/120, but not sore arm this time. The only thing that I have is that the day had a slight temperature and sweating in a tour along the doctors. Not understand what happens to me and what it is. Completely ovulation cover!
Try vitamins. It should help your case. Noperkiet pack Livol Multi total. The first few days one tablet in the morning or at lunch, followed by two. But just a meal. Well and vitamin C set. The rest are optional. ___________________________________ Questions and Tutorials - guru03@inbox.lv
ship! Thank you, I drink in B vitamins that will be good to take another clip
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