Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The main feature of this miasma is a tendency to destruction and degeneration in all forms. Of all

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Nerve miasma (ie syphilinum. Luesinum) is due to recover from syphilis for our ancestors. pol Syphilis is a serious disease pol that often turns into a chronic when the body fails to meet the agent - the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The disease often is slow, with no major signs of the onset of the disease, but eventually extended to most tissues, and it turns into a very serious pol disease. For syphilis is characterized by destruction pol of many tissues. The bacterium pol releases toxins such luetične by microbiologists long were able to demonstrate the 80s 20 century, it was discovered that they are very potent toxins that prevent the formation of DNA and protein in the cells of patients. pol
In the developed world, acute syphilis today quite rare disease in the past has been a serious public health problem. Syphilis has many faces, many versions pol of the characters and character strengths. pol Typically, however, that among other things affecting the skin and in the late stages of the disease spread to the nervous system (and other tissues - bones, pol kidneys, blood vessels, ...) and causing dozens of different range from mild to serious problems in the nervous system. Behaves exactly like a miasma or nervous. syphilinum.
The main feature of this miasma is a tendency to destruction and degeneration in all forms. Of all the nerve miasmatic most divisive as it is the deepest. In humans, this all takes place miazmo dramatically. Nervous system pol is a weak point, which means that they also have problems in life generally related to the nervous system. But can also affect the skin, which is usually pol in very severe cases, the rash. Problem is typically worse at night, in a warm and offshore and are usually associated with extreme mental and physical agitation with intense irritability. Typical are the various defects and degeneration of tissue, ulcers, abscesses pol (abscesses), tourism, summer chronic asthma, severe neurological disorders (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, paralysis ...) the frequency of birth defects (6 fingers, tooth displacement, scoliosis, skeletal deformities ...) predisposition to psoriasis, sclerosis disease (degeneration of hearing stones, teeth ...), developmental disorders, insomnia (wake up shortly after midnight and could not get to sleep until 6 am).
Common form of nerve miasma is a severe pol form of skin rashes that can occur across the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, and some resemble ulcers. Ulcers are often slightly greyish to purplish color, and from them are often secreted pol yellowish liquid with an unpleasant odor. Typical are abscesses (abscesses), skin rash or itching hrastasti (individual or group), which can resemble herpes. Typically occur on the face and chest.
A few psychological characteristics and problems: explosive, exaggerated reactions, nervousness, on the outside a very calm and controlled by humans; difficult children (uncontrollable, bite, scream, degraded), fear of the dark, night, before the germs (all times are washable) You may have severe problems with constipation (which can go so far as to completely stop peristalsis), depression, suicidal tendency, a tendency to addiction (family history of alcoholism typically found); possible serious psychological disorders (psychosis, paranoia, aggression). Syphilitic persons have a very pessimistic view of the world. Deeply believe that things have gone wrong, can no longer be repaired. Therefore, in all situations react aggressive, impulsive and intense. Outbreaks of violence may be directed against others and / or against itself.
Exceeding the innate tendencies is more or less the domain of homeopathy. For each miazmo there is a specific homeopathic preparation by an experienced homeopath prescribed in the correct order in the correct potency and at the right time. Since it is an interference with the genetics and inherited weakness (on which conventional medicine can only dream of), it is not something to joke about. These inherited energies, we should not touch it if we did not resolve the energy-Ball blockages in the flow of life energy, pol caused by the key traumatic events in a person's life. It is for this reason pol I will not detail the interpretation of the principle of exceeding the miasmatic.
If we have the opportunity to homeopathy repair genetic code, you can also also destabilize and cause a lot of energy imbalance, which is also

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