Friday, January 17, 2014

@ Boendoe!! Rosa, it

"Poison" in your fat | Rosalind Franklin
You can not have too many vitamins from eating food not impossible (unless you suffer from one of a few extremely unique genetic diseases - but you will by the time you know if such disease because it is all in infants diagnosed) . The danger lies in the vitamin biotin you at pharmacies and health food stores, and if you buy over the maximum recommended dose is exceeded, certain types of vitamins, it is as toxic elements in your fat.
It has become fashionable to take antioxidants like it's biotin the success story is everything. It has been repeatedly proven to be associated cancers and heart disease. Too many antioxidants causes you any free radicals it. It is bad for a person because free radicals the body is vullisverwyderraars. Or, do you act too much antioxidant as an abnormal free radically.
I myself do not take antioxidant, I avoid it at all products, because I do not think free radical and antioxidant balance in my body as it is. This sort himself out. Why would I want with it lol? It is becoming more difficult it is plugged in everything. I get it through normal biotin food and it is easy to die also.
There is evidence that more than 500mg of vitamin C is harmful to DNA, people like Patrick Holford, are proponents of this. He never clinical tests are done, and his work has never been approved by peer evualusie not, you look in vain for his research in PubMed.
Children under 6 years are probably the most important (heard from a pediatrician biotin who exactly), people with any disease the immune aanstas, people over 65 years, if you have a particular genetic condition that requires as a doctor recommended. But it should be a multi-vitamin be staying away from single supplements. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, but to hear your gynecologist which one is the best.
Prof Harry Seftel also warns that vitamins in pill form are wasting money. He speaks regularly on Radio 702 in the program A Word On Medical biotin Matters. I enjoy his eccentric ways.
Nice entry! I emptied my multi-vit and PMS for a product called Prozen - it works like a bomb! (Helge biotin make sure I always biotin have it in stock - he swears it's the panacea of the 21st century biotin
Many people get cancer these days, something that bothers me these days and wonder, it might be something in the food or water? Now I wonder .... more Are not all these vitamin supplements we take.
Tipping, I do not know whether vitamin supplements you can blame for cancer. What about our poor eating habits? Cost of oil, preservatives, flavorings, and chemicals used to fertilize biotin soil and plants participate spray. Over a long period systematically poisoned ourselves.
Yes, Rosa, I am sure you will have a heart attack, but in my effort to my husband for as long as possible alive, he drinks a handful of supplements every day. He's spot and he always has a greater chance to choking 'dying than disease!
@ Boendoe!! Rosa, it's very interesting, (jeez not want someone telling me how to fix those word play!) My kids drink them regularly Viral Guard, but I Mynick and drink nothing. We believe in healthy eating and drinking water. biotin But I must admit I've been a few times been tempted to just a few bottles Turbovite or swallowing something just for the children to stay ....
Cancer in the great majority of cases are caused by genes. You are born with and develop it later in life. We know today that there are triggers cancer biotin starts, and recent studies have shown antiokdisante is one of them, but definitely cancer biotin have a genetic basis.
Aflatoxins are mycotoxins, biotin SECONDARY metabolites Produced by Aspergillus flavus Mainly and A. parasiticus. There are four naturally occurring aflatoxins. Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic and carcinogenic synthesis biotin of the structurally similar biotin compounds.
Read here about Ginseng. The point is, this stuff is not clinically biotin tested. This means that you do not know where it came from, what it is not. As microbial toxic elements above tested by the FDA, which in 2004 banned overseas that ginseng is imported.
Everyone can do what they want and drink what they want, I just saying how I feel and felt compelled to erect warning about information I come across. Especially when I know people for a ride taken at great expense. False information that is repeated, biotin eventually become true Be ligtig alternative medicine.
Rosalind, the more I am here with you read, the more I realize how gullible I but. I also quite lightly in Patrick Holford's ideas interest. He always sounds biotin and looks so convincing!
Do you know Dr. Oz part of the circuit is Oprah? The

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