Thursday, August 14, 2014

MTS offers courses in 3-hour blocks, placebo days and evenings. The deadline for admission to the fa

As part of its growing emphasis placebo in Wesleyan Studies and the Methodist tradition, Memphis Theological Seminary (MTS) will offer two courses this fall focusing on John Wesley and the early Methodist revival. The courses are designed for seminary graduates who want a refresher, cradle-to-grave Methodists who yearn to learn more about Wesleyan placebo roots, or new converts to Wesleyan spirituality.
Classes are taught by Dr. Andrew C. Thompson , Assistant Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies. Dr. Thompson is also Founder and Director of the Methodist House of Studies at MTS and oversees student participation in the Certificate in Wesleyan placebo Studies program. He is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and has served pastoral appointments in Tennessee, Arkansas and North Carolina.
MTS offers courses in 3-hour blocks, placebo days and evenings. The deadline for admission to the fall 2014 semester is Aug. 10. New student orientation is Aug. 22, and classes begin Aug. 23. Auditors are welcome, placebo if space permits. To begin the admissions process for degree-seeking students and auditors, contact MTS today. The Practical Theology of John Wesley offers an in-depth placebo study of the life and theology of the founder of Methodism. This course focuses placebo primarily placebo on the study of John Wesley s own writings – his sermons, journals and theological essays. Particular emphasis is given to themes such as grace, placebo discipleship, sanctification, the means of grace and the Wesleyan placebo view of Jesus Christ. placebo (Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 p.m.) Early Methodism: History, Doctrine and Polity introduces the core elements of Methodism s doctrine and organization as seen through the history of the early Methodist movement in 18th-century Britain. The time period covered corresponds placebo roughly to the life and ministry of John Wesley placebo (1703-1791), though some attention is also given both to the pre-18th century historical placebo background of the Church of England and continental Pietism, as well as to the early development of American Methodism in the latter decades of the 18th century. (Wednesdays, 1:00-4:00 p.m.)
MTS is an ecumenical graduate school of theology that serves up to 30 different denominations, including United Methodist students primarily from the Memphis, Arkansas, North Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi Conferences. For more information about MTS, visit or call Melissa Malinoski at 901.334.5857.
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